Military Review English Edition September-October 2016 | Page 7

September-October 2016 Volume 96 ◆ Number 5 68 The Chemical, Biological, 94 Ten Lessons Learned about Radiological, and Nuclear Host-Nation Construction Terrorism Threat from the in Afghanistan Islamic State Vikram Mittal, PhD Carole N. House The demonstrated ruthlessness and extensive resources of the Islamic State warrant an examination of the viability and probability of a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear attack by that nonstate actor. 76 Growing Army Professionals 102 Closing the Values Gap The author contends that new soldiers have difficulty identifying with the seven Army Values that are the foundation of the Army profession, and he describes a values-based training concept his unit implemented to bridge this gap. 84 How the Army’s MultiSource Assessment and Feedback Program Could Become a Catalyst for Leader Development The Army can provide training that ensures units are ready to conduct unified land operations through decisive action. Army leaders start by describing operations in terms of time, space, purpose, and resources. 110 Col. Kevin McAninch, U.S. Army With certain changes, the Multi-Source Assessment and Feedback program could be a powerful means for enhancing leader development. The author describes the current unpopularity, misuse, and ineffectiveness of this program, then describes ways to improve its efficacy. MILITARY REVIEW  September-October 2016 Training for Decisive Action Maj. Will Shoemate, U.S. Army Maj. Benjamin Jensen, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Thomas R. Matelski, U.S. Army Working with Afghan construction companies means overcoming unique challenges for U.S. personnel in charge of designing or overseeing construction on U.S. military bases. A former brigade engineer shares lessons he learned while overseeing construction operations in the Kabul Base Cluster in Afghanistan. A Financial Comparison of the Blended (New) Retirement System and the Current (Soon to Be Old) Defined Benefit System John B. White, PhD, professor of finance, U.S. Coast Guard Academy Service members need to be informed of the advantages of the new Army retirement system versus the old system before making career decisions. A financial expert lays out the benefits of each to help military readers understand their retirement options. 5