Military Review English Edition September-October 2014 | Page 32

Photo courtesy of Sgt. Maj. Amanda Smith, U.S. Army NCO Basic Course cadets begin classes each day with the JAF NCO creed, March 2013. 4. Train and educate the JAF’s commissioned officers on how to empower newly trained NCOs. Identifying and training the cadre. The most obvious candidates for becoming trainers at the new Jordanian NCO leadership course were those from the original pool of 98 graduates. Fortunately, the military assistance program office in Jordan still had on staff the U.S. sergeant major that had been instrumental in assessing the original 100 Jordanian candidates, preparing them before their departure to the United States, and advising them throughout their training cycle. Subsequently, this sergeant major, along with the senior staff of the JAF Training and Doctrine Directorate, helped identify the top nine graduates of the original U.S. training who also had obtained combat experience in Afghanistan. These became the first instructor team of the new JAF NCO leadership course. These nine Jordanian NCOs then returned to the United States to shadow the instructor cadre of the WLC at Fort Bliss for three weeks. Again, the intent 30 of this shadowing was to expose the new Jordanian cadre to U.S. NCOs already skilled as trainers. This would give the Jordanians insight into developing their own POI and bolster their confidence for becoming instructors. Supporting development of the program of instruction. Concurrently, Army officers of the International Affairs Program Directorate of the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command worked with the Jordanian senior leadership and the Jordanian NCOs to develop a POI tailored to the JAF. Starting with the U.S. Army’s POI for the WLC as a model, classes were added, subtracted, or changed to accommodate Jordanian needs. The final product resembled the U.S. model in that the course was divided into three sections: a week focused on leadership, a week focused on training, and two weeks focused on war-fighting skills. During planning sessions with the nine-man cadre, September-October 2014  MILITARY REVIEW