Military Review English Edition September-October 2013 | Page 6
people,” suggests that it aspires to professionalism.11 With this aspiration defined, one can examine direct challenges to the Army’s “professional” status.
The Erosion of Trust
ADP 1 devotes the entirety of its second chapter to a discussion of the Army profession and begins by defining the profession as being built on trust between individual soldiers; trust between soldiers and leaders; trust among soldiers, their families, and the Army; and trust between the Army and the American people. It further explains the importance of discipline in units as fundamental to building that trust. L?Z?]?\?K\?^H?YY???Y???[???^[[??Y\???\???H?\???]Y?X??[?]Y\?\?[?[?\?[??8?'??[Z]Y[??H\?^H??\??[?H??H[??[?\???[[????[?Y?H?Y??????\???'LL?H?\?\?\??X?\?Y??[?\??[?\??\[?K\??[\?[?Y?]K[[??H[??\??[?X[?ZY[???[??\\???H\?^K?MY??HX??\?]?\?\?\??[?X[[?H??\??[???[^H][?[??[?\??Y\??]]?\??Y?[???\??X?K?MH]\X\??^H]?K?]H?X?[?\?^HXY\?^H\??\??[?]H\?^H?\???Y?K?Y[???X\?H[?\????]???\??\????\??YX??][?\??\[?H[?HZ[]\?K???YHY[X?\??????\??\?H?X??[Y[?[???]?[??]]?]H[?\?H[?Y??H??H?Z[]\?H?\?X?H