Military Review English Edition September-October 2013 | Page 12

the Army, January 2012), 2. 14. Ibid., 3. 15. Don M. Snider, “Once Again, the Challenge to the U.S. Army during a Defense Reduction,” 19. 16. James Burk, “Expertise, Jurisdiction, and Legitimacy of the Military Profession,” in The Future of the Army Profession Revised and Expanded, 2nd ed., Don M. Snider, project director and Lloyd J. Matthews, editor (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2005), 51-52. 17. This quote refers to an investigation that revealed drill sergeants at Aberdeen Proving Ground were “systematically abusing trainees.” The issue was long-standing and widespread, and because “the Army failed to self-police adherence to an appropriate Ethic, Congress passed legislation with very specific language on how to train and lead our soldiers.” This incident and others like it, such as prisoner abuse and unlawful or indiscriminate noncombatant deaths, can also deplete the Army’s reservoir of trust. The quote and this information comes from An Army White Paper: The Profession of Arms, 8. 18. Ibid. 19. George E. Reed, “Threats to the Profession of Arms,” Defense Policy Journal, 28 February 2011, (17 September 2012). 20. Gallup Poll, “Confidence in Institutions,” June 2012, (2 January 2013). 21. Rick Maze, “Senate Cracks Down on Sex Assaults in Military,” The Navy Times, 28 November 2012, (13 December 2012). 22. Ramsey Cox, “Senate Passes Amendments on Sexual Violence, Mental Health in the Military,” The Hill, 28 November 2012, (13 December 2012). 23. Ibid. 24. Sava Hamedy, “Sexual Assaults Taint Military, as Congress Turns up Heat on Pentagon to Deal with Problem,” BU Washington News Service, July 2012, (30 October 2012). 25. Ibid. 26. Invisible No More, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 Wrap-Up,” 4 January 2013, (22 January 2013). 27. As an example of discretionary judgment regarding sex offenses a given commander might not think that an 18-year-old female private, who is otherwise a top performing soldier, who grabs the butt of one of her male peers at a party, is deserving of the same treatment under the UCMJ as a 26-year-old drill sergeant who rapes one of his trainees in an Army basic training unit. Under the UCMJ, both are sex offenders, and under the new legislation, both cases would be handled in the same manner. 28. This particular piece of legislation seeks to standardize programs across each of the military services and is an effort to reduce the alarming rate of military suicides which “has not abated despite major investments in new programs and outreach efforts across the services.” This quote and this information comes from: Adam Ashton, “Senate Passes Murray Measure to Reform Defense Suicide Prevention Programs,” The News Tribune, 5 December 2012, (13 December 2012). 29. Thom Shanker and Elisabeth Bumiller, “Pentagon to Review Ethical Standards,” New York Times, 15 November 2012, (19 December 2012). 30. Ibid. 31. Don M. Snider, “Once Again, the Challenge to the U.S. Army During a Defense Reduction: To Remain a Military Profession,” 4. 32. Amy L. Robinson, “TRADOC talks America’s Army—Our Profession” 10 January 2013, (22 January 2013). 33. The “America’s Army—Our Profession” quarterly education plan directs that the first quarter of 2013 focus on standards and discipline, doing the right thing in all situations, and those aspects of the profession that set the Army apart from common living. The second quarter addresses Army customs, courtesies, and traditions and sustainment of esprit de corps and stewardship of the profession. The third quarter theme aims at military expertise and what it means to be a certified Army professional. This information comes from: Maj.Gen. Gordon B. “Skip” Davis Jr. and Col. Jeffrey D. Peterson, “America’s Army—Our Profession,” Military Review (JanuaryFebruary 2013): 45-47. 34. Ibid., 47. 35. Army Game Studio for CAPE, “Moral Combat” (West Point, New York, Center for the Army Profession and Ethic, 29 November 2009) (27 January 2013). This website is requires a CAC card to run and is therefore only available to DOD personnel. 36. Don M. Snider, “Once Again, the Challenge to the U.S. Army During a Defense Reduction: To Remain a Military Profession,” iv. 37. Don M. Snider, “The U.S. Army as Profession,” in The Future of the Army Profession Revised and Expanded, 3. 38. Don M. Snider, “The Challenge for Army Strategic Leaders: To Maintain the Army as a Military Profession during the Defense Reductions,” lecture, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 15 October 2012, cited with permission of the author. 39. Ibid. 40. TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-7, The U.S. Army Concept for the Human Dimension in Full Spectrum Operations 2015-2024 (Washington, DC: GPO, 11 June 2008), 4. 41. Josephson Institute of Ethics, “For the First Time in a Decade, Lying, Cheating, and Stealing among American Students Drops,” Los Angeles, CA, 20 November 2012, (8 February, 2013). 42. Michelle Healy, “Millennials Might Not Be So Special After All, Study Finds,” USA Today, 15 March 2012 (29 January 2013). 43. “Department of Defense Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Process/Army Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Process, Execut ]?H?[Y\?8?'H??????X?[??\???K?]X?Y[???\?^IL??IL?^X?]]?IL??[Y\???? ??[?X\?H ? L?K? ?H]]??? ??\?YY\?? ??[?Y\?Y?\?X?\]H[?H?RS??[Y][????[H]H\?^H?\???Y?H[?X\?HX?[X?\? ? L??\?X?\[????\]Y^\??\?\?\?Z]\?H?]?[X[??[?[?^X?]]?H?\??[? [?\?^H???[?\??[???H\\?Y[??H\?^H?Y??H??Y?YY\??[?\?[XY[??H[X[?]\?X[?\??\?[??H??[?\?????H[?Y??X?K?\?H?[?[?]?[??[X[??\??X[?XZ??? 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