Military Review English Edition November December 2016 | Page 120

Be Done?”9 In it, Lenin laid down a simple but profound prescription for successful political activism that provided a broad outline explaining how to organize a revolutionary political movement together with explaining the essential relationship of mass media to that movement and how media should be used to further political ends. This article has had enormous influence on political activism from his time to the present. In this monograph, Lenin describes the two key principles he asserted were required for fomenting revolution. possible…. If we begin with the solid foundation of a strong organization of revolutionaries, we can ensure the stability of the movement as a whole and carry out the aims both of SocialDemocracy and of trade unions proper.10 One might ask, if Lenin were alive today, what organizations might he recognize as the heirs of his vanguard-party concept? Subsequent to Lenin’s day, one can hardly think of a successful revolutionary or insurgency movement of any consequence in the twentieth or The Vanguard Party Lenin maintained that the first of two Propaganda Agitation key steps for advancing a political objective Universe of issues people was to establish a vanguard party—a core could be thinking about group of highly disciplined “professional” activists (revolutionaries). The purpose of this core element within a political party was to work full time organizing and leadIssues of ing the political effort. Such a vanguard individual party was essential, Lenin asserted, beMedia concern, cause—in contrast to the orthodox faith of issues influenced by some dogmatic Marxists—he did not feel face-to-face the proletariat would have the capacity to contact be anything but a courageous yet hapless mob unless carefully instructed, trained, and then tightly disciplined by a leadership organization. Without such a vanguard party, he maintained, a political movement Organization would be led by amateurs and fail. Among the principal responsibilities of the vanguard party was to educate the How the Vanguard Party channels proletariat, instilling in them political people to think about issues and class consciousness. To do this, the vanguard party had to assume the role of (Graphic by Arin Burgess, Military Review) instilling in the working class recognition Figure 3. Party-Focused Issues of the class struggle at the same time it organized and expanded the movement by enforcing rigid and ruthless party discipline among twenty-first century that was not led by the equivalent recruits for the revolutionary cause. of a vanguard party. Examples include Benito Mussolini’s On the other hand, the organization of the Fascist Party in Italy, Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist revolutionaries must consist first and foremost Party in Germany, and Hugo Chavez’s Fifth Republic of people who make revolutionary activity Movement in Venezuela, to name just a small repretheir profession … In view of this common sentation of such organizations. Elsewhere, Islamic characteristic of the members of such an orgaradicals Sayyid Qutb and Abul Ala Maududi both nization … Such an organization must perforce posited that Islamic vanguard parties were necesnot be very extensive and must be as secret as sary to lead the world’s lost and wayward Muslim 118 November-December 2016  MILITARY REVIEW