Military Review English Edition November December 2016 | Page 103

TRANSFORMING TRAINING The institutional domain, though, is where education takes primacy. The Army University, a part of the institutional domain, has recently begun sweeping changes to ensure courses across the Army are using evidence-based practices for instruction and activities. However, these changes can only be expected to have a small effect on a leader’s development over the course of a career. For example, an armor officer taking command of a battalion has spent as few as twenty months in resident PME over the course of the officer’s career up until that point (4.5 months in the Armor Basic Officer Leadership Course [BOLC], 5.5 months in the Maneuver Captain’s Career Course [MCCC], and ten months in the Command and General Staff Officers’ Course).8 With less than two out of seventeen years spent in PME, this institutional education can hardly be expected to provide all necessary knowledge for a battalion commander to win in the complex world described in the Army Operating Concept. The majority of an officer’s career is spent in the operational domain, so to have significant, meaningful change in a person, a greater amount of education must occur within this domain. The Army has devoted significant time and energy into creating doctrine on training and education; however, none of the doctrinal or related training or administrative publications addresses how training in the operating force is to be designed.9 Several tools are available for commanders to use as they create training events, but almost all of them, to include the Eight-Step Training Model, are focused primarily on the resourcing of training, and they provide little guidance or direction on the content.10 The U.S. Army CAC has recognized this problem, and published a white paper titled “Enhancing Realistic Training.” The purpose of the paper is to present an operational design for the development and integration of efforts to enhance realistic training.11 The white paper is a very useful document in describing what future training should consist of, especially as it relates to the inclusion of all the complexities expected on a future battlefield. What the paper is missing is a description of how the training is to be designed. Taken at face value, commanders could assume that when creating a training event, they are expected to include all possible complexities into the scenario because they will be exp ected to operate eventually in a complex world. Though the Army also professes the “crawl, walk, run” model of incrementally increasing the difficulty and complexity of training, there is no doctrine to help a commander MILITARY REVIEW  November-December 2016 create the conditions for a unit to progress in the complex tasks described in the CAC white paper.12 Additionally, the white paper references other joint and Army publications (such as doctrine, guidance, regulations, and white papers) but does not include any academic work or research in training and education. If the Army wants to continue to develop soldiers and leaders in the operational domain while also preparing organizations to operate in a complex world, it must use evidence-based practices of the learning sciences to design training. The Science of Learning The science of learning is based on an understanding of how individuals and groups learn.13 The field is now over one hundred years old, and it has gone through several major shifts in that time. For the purposes of this paper, the definition of learning used is from Richard E. Mayer, a psychologist from the University of Santa Barbara: Learning is the relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behavior due to experience. This definition has three components: (1) the duration of the change is long-term Capt. Andrew P. rather than shortJenkins, U.S. Army, is a term; (2) the locus of student at the U.S. Army the change is the conCommand and General tent and structure of Staff Officers Course, knowledge in memoFort Leavenworth, ry or the behavior of Kansas. He holds a BA in the learner; (3) the history from Santa Clara cause of the change is University and an ME the learner’s experiin learning design and ence in the environtechnology from the ment rather than University of Southern fatigue, motivation, California. He was drugs, physical condipreviously a tactics intion, or psychological struction team chief and 14 intervention. small group leader at This definition allows us to the Maneuver Captains apply it to both individual Career Course, and he and organizational outhas deployed to Iraq comes. Whenever we train, and Afghanistan. Jenkins we expect that trainees won the 2016 DePuy will come out of the event Special Topics Writing changed (hopefully for the Competition with better), that the change this article. 101