Military Review English Edition November-December 2015 | Page 149

BOOK REVIEWS danger of falling to the Germans. It was no “near-run thing.” Despite the persistent myth, no German units came in sight of the Kremlin. Instead, Stalin kept five armies in reserve as he waited for the German attacks to wear themselves out. Meanwhile, with their fixation on the final prize, the German generals missed the evidence of growing Soviet strength and preparations for the Zhukov’s crushing counterattack. Like the previous three books in the series, The Battle for Moscow is very highly recommended for buffs and scholars alike. Stahel’s research, writing, and analysis give us a new and gripping account of one of the greatest and most momentous campaigns in history. Scott Stephenson, PhD, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas A HANDFUL OF BULLETS: How the Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Still Menaces the Peace Harlan K. Ullman, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 2014, 256 pages A Handful of Bullets: How the Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Still Menaces the Peace has virtually nothing to with Franz Ferdinand. Instead, Ullman offers an insightful and daunting strategic analysis of today’s globalized world. One of the Navy’s foremost strategic thinkers, Ullman argues that rapidly increasing interconnectivity has fundamentally changed the potential reach of individuals across the globe—no longer does someone have to assassinate an Archduke to have a global impact. Ullman argues that the traditional state is failing, but American strategic planners remain locked into state-centric and outdated modes of thought. He sprinkles his book with potential solutions to many of America’s ills. Although many of his solutions are unlikely to be implemented—such as reintroducing the draft to reduce the insularity of our professional military—they are certainly worthy of discussion. At the heart of A Handful of Bullets is Ullman’s “New Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” The new horsemen are “Failed and Failing Governments;” “Economic Despair, Disparity, and Disruption;” “Ideological Extremism and Religious Fanaticism;” and “Environmental Calamity and Climate