Military Review English Edition November-December 2014 | Page 79

OPERATION SERVAL Algeria Phase 2 ( as gh Ifo es rd ra Ad Tessalit Aguelhok m Mali ai nt ou ) ns Kidal Mauritania Timbuktu Bourem Léré Kayes Sévaré Senegal Gao Konna Ansongo Douentza Phase 1 Markala Bamako Niger Burkina Faso Phase 0 r ive Ghana rR ge Ni Sierra Leone Ivory Coast Benin o Tog Guinea Menaka Nigeria Figure 1. Map of Mali Showing Phases 0 Through 2 of Operation Serval strength, in the following months but we will remain in Mali, and around Mali, because we are not done with terrorism yet.2 Mali: Tipping Toward Chaos (1963 to 2013) Mali is a landlocked country with a butterfly-shaped border in Afr