Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 98

Prisoners from the first transport to KL Auschwitz at the train station in Tarnów (Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum Archives) something good, for once, came out from the abyss. The Auschwitz Volunteer is truly a gift. However, how many other heroes remain in the memory hole? Much has changed since Czes?aw Mi?osz wrote The Captive Mind (1951), but his words are still relevant. He writes, “A living human being, even if he be thousands of miles away, is not so easily ejected from one’s memory. If he is being tortured, his voice is heard at the very least by those people who have (uncomfortable as it may be for them) a vivid imagination. And even if he is already dead, he is still part of the present.” Orwell did not need to suffer in a totalitarian regime to recognize the dangers of “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” Pilecki’s case makes Mi?osz and Orwell’s insights all the more real, and Mi?osz lived long enough to see that Pilecki returned as a presence in the now. This history of World War II disillusions us; the “good war” was not as straightforward or 96 principled as we would like to believe. Pilecki’s heroism may have been doomed, but his courage uplifts us. His example may be difficult to follow, but he shows what is possible. How are we finally to make sense of Pilecki? I am reminded of a well-known inscription found on the walls of the former Gestapo headquarters of occupied Warsaw, which today houses the Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom Museum. It reads— It is easy to speak about Poland. It is harder to work for her. Even harder to die for her. And the hardest to suffer for her. This epitaph defines Pilecki. My one complaint about this edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer is that, even with the now available paperback edition, it is still too expensive to use in a college course. If we want our young people not to grow up cynically, we should not make it easier for them to become so by restricting them from knowing real heroes like Pilecki.MR November-December 2013 • MILITARY REVIEW