Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 52

experiences. These “champions” then recommend the ToL they understand and have adapted in practice for their uses to their friends. So, coopted to tell their grouped and virtual associates, they expand ToL application more broadly. They tell their friends about the benefits of sharing trust, sharing purpose, and shared competence all reinforced by the elixir of shared confidence— success stimulating greater successes! All occurs without direction “top-down” but with shared enthusiasm bottom-up. That is the magic of ToL. By stimulating shared actionable understanding of challenges and solutions across every border of human associations, ToL applied to general leader preparation can and should stimulate significant improvements in both effectiveness and efficiency within and well beyond America’s Army. ToL draws on U.S. individual initiative “tell me what, not how to”—accelerating national IM and KM capabilities the sharing/ teaming leadership characteristic of Generation Y, and crossing traditional borders to produce often unexpected rewards as atypical leader teams share SKA. The more senior leaders “let go” and encourage informal collaboration bottom-up, the greater the performance levels achieved by their organizations. The more senior leaders add potential cross-border teaming and collaboration opportunities within their guidance and intent, the greater are opportunities for subordinates to broaden teaming possibilities advantaging IM and KM. In sum, ToL included in leader preparation encourages novel perspectives and insights about the art of the possible in adapting to highly unpredictable uncertainty by combining the science of IT, IM, and KM with the art of developing and sustaining high performing leader teams. All are fueled by the power of crossing borders, enabling, if not stimulating, bottom-up, direct, immediate, responses to solve problems and to meet unexpected challenges developing relationships—the ultimate “soft power” supporting wide-area security and combined arms maneuver operations. MR NOTES 1. Capt. Daniel Bolton, “The MBSFA,? 'H\?[? X^KR?[?H ? L K????H????Z[???[??[?X?H??\\\??[??H]?\?][??[???[?^?][???][[?YXY\???X?Y\??Y?][?H???\?]?H?[X]H[?\?\???\?\?]H[?]?YX[XY\???\][??Y\?8?'X[??YH[?]X]]?x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x?&\?\?^KH[?[??[?\?Y?[??HY??X?]?[?\?? ?\?????YY?\???L???  H[???Y\?X?????X[\??XY\??[?K??]\??X[???[X[??H????\?][\Y\?UT?HS?[???\?\??^H KL??[?H ? K???\?\??Y[?HX[HY????]H?Y?Y?X?[??\?????X??[??\????ZZ?H?]??K[? ??? ???Y[??? ??\?[??[????[??\??Z[[???8?'????\??'H\?\]X[H[\?[?]?[?[????]]?H?Y\?[ ?]K[???[?[][??\?\??[?X[?Y??X?]?H?Y\?X?[Y\??[??HX[?Y?[Y[? ??YH??\?[?HH?][?K???\]Y[??HX[?Y?[Y[????\?[?H?Y?\?X?[??UT?HS??][?[?X?\?]H?]???? L L? ??\[X?\? ? L ?[??? ??K???[?^?[[?^[\H?[?X?[]H???X??]H[?Y?[??H???[\??YB??\?X[??YY?\?X? 8?'?Y?]?[???[\X?][????]\??X[?Y?[??K?\??]?[?L?]Y?\? T?\[X?\? ? L  ?NN ??L ??\?Y?\??X?Z]?\?Y][?[[\\?\?[???[\?\?H\??\??[???[\[Y[?[???X?X\??X\?8?'X[?^x?'H?X?X?\???X?\?HY?H?[??]]?B?[???X][??%???Z?[XZ?? X[??[??[????[?K??LK?X\?[?K?[\?^K8?'H?[\ZY??X\??[??]??Y[??H?Z[\?H??[XY?[?][??'H ?\?Z]????]?[X?\?JK?T?H??\??[ MMH ?[?KR?[H ? L N? ?NK???'??X??][?[??\?\?H\?[\?[?\???[X[?[????? ??'B?L????8?'H?^x?'H?YHHZ\??[???[X[??[?\??^?[[??H]?[?Y??H8?'UP??HX[\??XY\????X?[???ZYK8?'H?\??[? K? ? ?X\?? ? K?????[X?\?QX?[X?\? ? L???(?RSUT?H?U?QU??