Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 25

Ge ne Co ral W 2013 Wr mb i itin ine lliam gC dA E om rms . DeP pet u itio Cente y nW r inn er Taking Ownership of Mission Command Maj. Demetrios A. Ghikas, U.S. Army T HE ARMY UNDERSTANDS the mutually supporting domains of leader development—institutional, operational, and self-development domains create confident and competent leaders. As we transition from our recent conflicts, the Army seeks to develop leaders to apply mission command by improving the combined effects of training, education, and experience. Ultimately, the experience gained in each training domain reinforces the lessons learned in the others, in a continuous and progressive process. Therefore, it is important that our thinking, actions, activities, and processes enable the practice of the mission command philosophy. By practicing mission command today at every level of the Army, we mitigate the risks in its implementation and synthesize the knowledge we need to meet tomorrow’s challenges. What is Mission Command? Maj. Demetrios A. ??????T?L?????)???????????????T?L????? ?????????????????M???? ???????????)1?????????-????!?????????????)?????????????????????????????)?????? ??????????????????????)%????????????????5?????? ??????? ?????????????????????)1?????????!??????????4?????)???????????????????????U???????)???Q????????A???()A!=Q