Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 17

E D U C AT I N G S T R AT E G I C P L A N N E R S instructors who have a Ph.D. The combination of a writing-syndicate atmosphere and critical feedback will have a catalytic effect, something that most civilian doctoral programs do not provide. Finally, with a low number of students per year, the agency will assist in managing the officer’s career through interfacing with Human Resources Command, senior leaders, and assignment officers. This effort will continue to develop the skills needed for strategic planners while still allowing the officer to remain competitive in the operational Army. For example, the student who desires to write about homeland security for his dissertation is ideally suited for a developmental assignment at U.S. Northern Command. Because the coordinating agency has visibility on these nuanced requirements, it can inform the assignment officer, ensuring that the Army and the joint community gain the most from the officer’s education. The coordinating agency must embed with the Army’s traditional professional military educational institutions. Currently, this coordinating agency exists within SAMS. With the current small number of students, SAMS is well suited to manage the tasks above. As the program grows and matures it may prove prudent to relook this relationship. Other options could include creating a new school of its own or relocating the coordinating responsibility to another institution. However, as the coordination of the program evolves in the future, the requirement for managing and mentoring the students will continue to be important for their success—from the time they begin their education to the time they finish their career. Why a Ph.D.? Developing adept strategic planners is not simply the result of advanced degrees or professional education but includes a holistic career path that combines experience with education. For operational planners, the education requirement is usually satisfied through the Command and General Staff College, SAMS, and a developmental tour as a division or corps planner. However, a much broader education, including interaction with those outside the military, is required for successful strategic planning. A strategic planner must understand the different aspects and perspectives on defense and foreign affairs and their historical MILITARY REVIEW • November-December 2013 development beyond what a master’s program can generally deliver. For example, for strategic planners at a NATO headquarters to be successful, not only must they understand military capabilities and capacities b ][??^H]\????\??H???Y????Y?H?X???ZX????\??Y[?[??X?\?\??\??X?[??^??Y][?[]\??X[??]X?[?[?\??]?X[\??Y\?[??\?\?[?[???]Y?X??X????[\H?]Y H?U?[??\????\???X???[???H?\??[?X???ZX?[??]X?[??\??\?\??][??YX?K][K\?[[? ?Z[?[??H]\???H?[?H[?X?H?]?[??X\?X?B???]Y?X??[????\??\???[X[?\???Y??X?Y[?YX?][?[?\?H\?X\?\??????X?B??][?H?\??[???[?[???X?\?H?X\?\??&\????[\?[???\??[?[Z[]\?HYX?][??]??\]Z\?\?[??Y?[???]?[X[?X?Y[ZX?[??]][??]H?\]Z\?]H???Y?H[?^\?\?H[???Z[[??[YH[?[???X?\??&\??\?Y\??][?????????Z[?\?H???Y\???[???]?\??\]YX?][??\]Z\?HH ? ???]?[?[??Y\??]Y?X?[??\??\????[\HH?\?[??Y?[??YY?Y\????\??[?[?YX?][??][??Y\?H?\?X??\?Y\?]]??X?[?\?^\?Y[??H?]YX?][????H?[?[Y[?[?X\????\??Z[??H???]B??[???H\???Z[?H??[?^\?Y[??K[??YX?][??\]Z\?Y?8?'?X]H?]????Y?K??'NH[??X?Y[ZXK[]?\?[??\????Y?H[?H??H??HX?\?Y\?X?K????????[\??\?][?\H??K?[?Y?H??\??]???[?H???[????[H?YZ???\?X?\?H???Y?\?H????Y?B?[?[?X?Y[ZX?\??\[?HZ?H[?\??][?[?[][???H\??\?][????\?\??\?H?\????H?H?X?Y?X?X???X?H ? ??[?Y]H?X??Y\?H?X???^?Y^\? ?\?X\??[??HY?YK ? ??[?\??X?Y[ZXH[???[?YH?\?X\???Z\??X?Y?X?\?XH?^\?\?K\??[???Z\????Y?H?B??^?[?\?][?????\??[?[???\?Y?[???\?\???\?X\?? ?]]?[???\?X?]?[ H?Y][?[ ? ??MB??