Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 122

“The CTC Program: Leading the March into the Future,” Col. Michael Barbee, USA (Jul-Aug): 16 “The Engaged Leader Paradigm: The Community Health Promotion Council as the Key to Family and Soldier Readiness,” E. Margaret Phillips (Jul-Aug): 45 “The Future Army: Preparation and Readiness,” Gen. Robert W. Cone, USA (Jul-Aug): 2 “Joint Operational Access and the Global Response Force: Redefining Readiness,” Brig. Gen. Charles Flynn and Maj. Joshua Richardson, USA (Jul-Aug): 38 “King No More,” Maj. Lance Boothe, USA, Retired (May-June): 72 “Leader Preparation to Support Rebuilding,” Lt. Gen. Frederic J. (Rick) Brown, Ph.D., USA, Retired (Nov-Dec): 42 120 “The Non-neutrality of Technology: Pitfalls of Network-Enabled Operations,” Christine G. van Burken (May-June): 39 “Women: The Combat Multiplier of Asymmetric Warfare,” Col. Clark H. Summers, USAR (Jul-Aug): 71 Turkey “Turkey’s Role in Afghanistan and Afghan Stabilization,” Karen Kaya (Jul-Aug): 23 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles “Death from Above: UAVs and Losing Hearts and Minds,” Jeffrey A. Sluka, Ph.D. (Mar-Apr): 89 “The Great Drone Debate,” Amitai Etzioni (Mar-Apr): 2 “The Rise of the Machines,” Lt. Col. Douglas A. Pryer, USA (MarApr): 14 November-December 2013 ? MILITARY REVIEW