Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 115

TITLE INDEX A “America’s Army–Our Profession,” Maj. Gen. Gordon B. “Skip” Davis Jr., USA, and Col. Jeffrey D. Peterson, USA (Jan-Feb): 43 “A More Flexible Army and a More Stable World,” 1st Lt. George W. Runkle, USA (Jul-Aug): 60 “A Role for Land Warfare Forces in Overcoming A2/AD,” Col. Vincent Alcazar, USAF, and Col. Thomas M. Lafleur, USA (Nov-Dec): 79 “Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill,” Lt. Col. Wlliam Greenberg, USA, Retired (May-June): 63 “An Injury, Not a Disorder,” Frank Ochberg, M.D. (Mar-Apr): 96 “Applying Mission Command through the Operations Process,” Lt. Col. Michael Flynn, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Chuck Schrankel, USA, Retired (Mar-Apr): 25 “Applying Principles of Counterinsurgency to the Fight Against Sexual Assault in the Military,” 1st Lt. Chad R. Christian, USA (Nov-Dec): 67 “Army Doctrine Publication 3-0: An Opportunity to Meet the Challenges of the Future,” Col. Clinton J. Ancker III, USA, Retired, and Lt. Col. Michael A. Scully, USA, Retired (Jan-Feb): 38 B “Breaking the Kevlar Ceiling: A National Security Case for Full Gender Integration in the U.S. Army,” Maj. Jacqueline S.L. Escobar, USA (Mar-Apr): 70 “Building the New Culture of Training,” Gen. Robert W. Cone, USA (Jan-Feb): 11 C “Center for Army Leadership Response to ‘Empirically Based Leadership,’” Col. Tom Guthrie, USA (Jan-Feb): 67 “Character Development of U.S. Army Leaders: The Laissez-Faire Approach,” Col. Brian M. Michelson, USA (Sep-Oct): 30 “Commanders Intent and Concept of Operations,” Maj. Richard Dempsey, USA, and Maj. Jonathan M. Chavous, USA (Nov-Dec): 58 D “Death from Above: UAVs and Losing Hearts and Minds,” Jeffrey A. Sluka, Ph.D. (Mar-Apr): 89 “Defeating Future Hybrid Threats: The Greatest Challenge to the Army Profession of 2020 and Beyond,” Maj. John R. Davis Jr., USA (SepOct): 21 “Delivering the Command and General Staff Officer Course at the Operational Edge,” Lt. Col. John A. Schatzel, USA, Retired, Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens, USA, Retired (Nov-Dec): 18 “Design and Operational Art: A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology,” Col. Thomas Graves, USA, and Bruce E. Stanley, Ph.D., USA, Retired (Jul-Aug): 53 “Discerning the Role of the Narrative in Strategy Development,” Lt. Col. David T. Culkin, USA (Jan-Feb): 61 “Dynamics of Interagency Teams,” Maj. Gen. Raymond D. Barrett, USA, Retired (Mar-Apr): 53 E “Early Mistakes with Security Forces Advisory Teams in Afghanistan,” Capt. Wesley Moerbe, USA (May-June) ????+?q?????????? ??????Q?????????t? ????Q?????4??]????????UMH(?)??????????+?qQ??????????Q???????1??????????????????M?????1????????I?????)M???Q????=???????????t?5????????I??????1??????UM??????1?) ????)??????A?????UM??I??????9?????????()5%1%QId?IY%\????9?????????????????(+?q?????????? ????1??????????%???????????M??????????A???????)??? ????????? ????1?????????5??????t?5????M????@??5???????)UM??)?????????+?qQ??????????1?????A????????Q??? ????????!?????A??????) ???????????-?????????????M??????I?????????t???5?????)A????????)????????+?qQ?????????????5?????? ??????????T?L??????????????????)???A?????t? ???? ??????(???????%%$??UM??I??????5????????()+?q?????????????Q??? ????????????M????????M?????? ????????????)???A?????????t?5???? ??????1????UM??M???=??????+?q???????????]???????1????]???????t???I?????4??!?????9??????(??+?qQ????????????A????????????I?????????t?????I?????\?? ????)UM??)???????()+?qQ????????????????t????????????5???????+?qQ????????Q????????????????A?????????t????)??????) ??????????Q???A??????????M???????Q?????M???=??????+?q?????1??????]???A??????5?????? ???????????]?????)A??????t?1?? ???????????A?????UM??9?????????() +?qQ???!????M?????????%??????)????????????t?5???? ???????) ??????UM??5???)???????()$+?qQ???%?????????????????? ??????????????????I???????????)???=??A?????????t?1?? ???? ????%???????UM??A?????5???)??????+?q%??????????1?????????????????????????????U?????t? ???)????? ?? ???????UM??5???)??????()(+?q)????=???????????????????????????I????????????I?????????)I?????????t? ???????? ????????????5????)????I????????)UM??)????????(),+?q-????9??5????t?5????1????? ??????UM??I??????5???)???????()0+?q1?????A??????????M??????I??????????t?1????????????(???I????) ????A?????UM??I??????9?????????()4+?q5????????????A??????????????t? ????Q????? ????????UM(?)??????????+?q5?????? ?????????????I???????????????????????!??????????t) ????????]???\???????)???UM?? ????A??????5???????UM?)1?? ???? ????????H??9??????UM????5????-????I??????UM(?9????????()8+?q9???????????Q???1???????t?1?? ????)??????A?????UM?)I??????????5????M???)????????????UM??)??????????((???((