Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 7

May-June 2016 Volume 96 ◆ Number 3 62 To Respond or Not to Respond: Addressing Adversarial Propaganda 97 Force Agility through Crowdsourced Development of Tactics Lt. Col. Jesse McIntyre III, U.S. Army, Retired Col. Francis J.H. Park, U.S. Army Army intermediate-level education falls short of the rigor needed to meet the needs of the joint force and the goals of the Army University. Four integrated recommendations could help ensure officers are intellectually prepared for the challenges they will face. 78 Precedent and Rationale for an Army Fixed-Wing Ground Attack Aircraft Maj. John Q. B olton, U.S. Army Crowdsourcing, big data, and mobile gaming could help Army staffs achieve tactical agility through enhanced course-of-action development during the military decisionmaking process, according to this article that received an honorable mention in the 2015 General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Competition. Joint and Army doctrine have very little to say about counterpropaganda. A former psychological operations officer considers this a deficiency and revisits a counterpropaganda methodology once used by Army staffs. 70 A Rigorous Education for an Uncertain Future Lt. Col. Chad Storlie, U.S. Army, Retired An Army aviator argues that the U.S. Air Force considers close air support a high-risk, lowpayoff mission, and the Army needs to take over this mission with its own organic fixedwing aircraft. 104 Army ROTC at One Hundred Paul N. Kotakis A review of milestones in the one-hundred-year history of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps shows its enduring influence on the U.S. military and American society. 111 U.S. Cyber Force: One War Away Maj. Matt Graham, U.S. Army An Army strategist asserts that the military needs a greatly empowered and independent U.S. Cyber Command, coequal with the existing armed services, to focus on the cyberspace domain. 88 Social Factors and the Human Domain Maj. Brian Hildebrand, U.S. Army National Guard The author proposes an approach that military planners could use to analyze the human domain, based on six interrelated social factors. MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 (Photos taken from sources in the public domain) About the Cover: Military Review pays tribute to some of history’s great military thinkers and writers. The Army Press provides a platform for current and future writers to follow in their footsteps. 5