Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 41

FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN JIHAD Biography Dr. Sebastian Gorka is the Major General Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University and chair of the Threat Knowledge Group. Specializing in irregular warfare and jihadi strategy, he is a regular instructor for the U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, and U.S. Special Operations Command. He served as an expe rt for the Department of Justice during the Boston Marathon bombing trial. Notes 1. It is fascinating to parallel this “inevitability of victory” theme with Marxist totalitarianism, which also took as an article of faith the fact that communism will win and destroy capitalism and democracy. All that humans must do is choose whether they will join and build the “Workers’ Paradise,” or end up on the “ash heap of History.” 2. In recent years, the phrase “intelligence preparation of the battlefield” has fallen victim to political correctness within the Pentagon. Today it is most often replaced with the new official phrase: “intelligence preparation of the environment,” lest someone have the impression that we actually are at war. Much the same thing happened when our information warfare professionals at Fort Bragg were told that they no longer performed psychological operations against our enemies, but instead were to execute military information support operations. Welcome to the Alice in Wonderland world of euphemisms in a time of war. MR We Recommend F or those who found the above article insightful, Dr. Sebastian Gorka of Marine Corps University discusses in much greater detail the ideological and philosophical foundations of modern Islamic terrorism in DEFEATING JIHAD. His book provides an in-depth study of the doctrine of the global jihadist movement and outlines a strategic plan to defeat groups like al-Qaida and the Islamic State. For more information, see MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 39