Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 36

• • As a result, there is no true Islamic state today, only pretense and falsehood. The answer is a return to Allah and the reestablishment of his sovereignty on Earth through the re-creation of his theocratic Caliphate in a jihad. For Qutb, being a Muslim was not a personal, theoretical, or individualistic exercise. One could only be a true Muslim if you took part in eradicating the infidel and all his influences, and taking an integral part in the war that would bring the Islamic empire back. personal goal to bring down the Cairo government, Zawahiri would eventually be released and end up in Pakistan during the anti-Soviet jihad of the 1980s, where he would Zawahiri: One Superpower Down, use his medical One to Go skills to heal the Zawahiri, who now heads al-Qaida after the mujahideen who (Image courtesy of The Counter Jihad Report) successful special operations mission in Abbottabad, had been woundPakistan, that killed bin Laden, has also contributed ed fighting the Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner, published by the London-based Asharq significantly to the canon of jihadi strategy. More so, in Russians. al-Awsat, is Ayman al-Zawahiri’s book fact, than his former boss. In Pakistan, describing his political and religious An Egyptian surgeon born into a very promZawahiri would world views. He explains what role a inent Cairo family, Zawahiri was also a member eventually meet global jihadi movement should play in the future, and that Muslims are responof the Muslim Brotherhood like Qutb, but would bin Laden and sible to conduct jihad. later become one of the leaders of the terror group be drawn deeper Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Arrested and imprisoned by into the world of the “Arab mujahideen”; Zawahiri the Egyptian authorities for his extreme beliefs and would become a member of the Arab Services Bureau (the MAK in Arabic). After the head of the MAK, Abdullah Azzam, was killed in 1989 and bin Laden took over the organization, the Saudi’s puritanical Wahabbi-ideology would begin to meld with Zawahiri’s Muslim Brotherhood-influenced ideas, and subsequently the MAK would transform into al-Qaida with Zawahiri as bin Laden’s new deputy. The renamed jihadi group was now redefined as bin Laden and Zawahiri gave it a global mission. Instead of focusing exclusively on one type of target, foreign invaders on Muslim soil—or un-Islamic apostate Arab leaders and their governments in the Middle East— The Base would do both, and most importantly for America, al-Qaida would now take the jihad into the “belly (Photo courtesy of WIkipedia) of the beast,” into the heart of infidel Osama bin Laden (left) sits with his adviser and translator Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (right) lands. This move into “enemy territory” during an interview with Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir on 8 November 2011 in Kabul. After bin Laden’s death, Zawahiri assumed the principal leadership role over al-Qaida. would eventually result in al-Qaida 34 May-June 2016  MILITARY REVIEW