Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 22

address these kinds of wicked complex threats. Traditionally, the United States (as well as other Western nation-states) has chosen to treat war as a specific action governed by a specific system of laws, mores, and norms. Strategists do not explicitly disconnect war from the political ends it is intended to achieve. Implicitly, however, war is often disassociated from the whole-of-government approach needed to achieve political goals; consider the differences in the apparatuses of the Departments of State and Defense, and the often-used diplomatic, informational, military, and economic (DIME) model of national power. This treatment of war as a specific, governable activity disguises the essence of war—the organized violence of human beings killing each other. In different words, the United States believes that all war is organized violence, but not (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons) all organized violence is war. The Return of the Prodigal Son (1668), oil on canvas, by Rembrandt. On the other hand, if it is accepted that all war is politically motivated, then all organized aggression with the intent to harm—physiorganized violence or aggression could also be considcally violent actions or otherwise—on behalf of political ered politically motivated. However, this would mean agendas, the aperture for understanding what war is that organized violence, without formally “going to war,” opens wider. Denying that all violence or aggression in advances a political agenda just as a conventional war service of an agenda is war limits strategic approaches to might. Limiting the concept of what constitutes a war engaging enemies. limits the ability of the United States to understand its A U.S. Army Special Operations Command 2015 enemies. For example, it is very likely that some U.S. white paper, Redefining the Win, depicts a spectrum enemies believe they are already in a state of war—being of conflict (see figure on page 22).10 Using that specthat U.S. enemies have selected to use a level of orgatrum, the paper describes unconventional warfare in a nized violence to achieve an essentially political goal. nebulous gray area of not quite being “political warfare” When leaders stop considering war as only a violent but also not quite being war. The implication is that in action of the state, and they start considering it as any an intermediate, undefined area of “unconventional 20 May-June 2016  MILITARY REVIEW