Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 111

ROTC In the years since Bush’s address, Cadet Command has continued refining its training methodologies and its approach to leader development. For example, all the collective summer training conducted by Cadet Command was consolidated at Fort Knox in 2014. New hands-on training opportunities became available to all cadet underclassmen (Photo courtesy of U.S. Army Cadet Command) for the first time. More plentiful opportunities Army ROTC cadets conduct small boat training 18 July 2008. for cadets to gain familiarity with other nations now exist than ever before. positioned to continue providing the talented leaders Cultural awareness training has become a vithe Army needs. tal component of the Army ROTC curriculum. For the seventh time in U.S. history, an ROTCOverseas immersion helps educate future leaders trained officer serves as chief of staff of the Army. in ways the classroom cannot. Cadets selected for Gen. Mark Milley is a 1980 graduate of the Princeton these opportunities gain first-hand experience with University Army ROTC program. On 20 February 2016, different cultures and sharpen their foreign language Milley was presented the 2016 Woodrow Wilson Award skills. They work side-by-side with host-nation miliby his alma mater. Princeton bestows the award annually tary forces, and they have unmatched opportunities to a former undergraduate whose career reflects the conto learn more about the culture and history of the cepts in Wilson’s 1896 speech, “Princeton in the Nation’s nations to which they are sent. In 2014, 1,320 ROTC Service.” Upon receiving the award, Milley explained why cadets participated in this experience.25 In the future, he chose to serve in the Army after completing his studies at least half of all cadets are expected complete an at Princeton. He offered his views on the importance of overseas immersion internship. service: “Service is never about self. It extends to othCadet Command has brought significant improveers—to those we are helping, to those we are protecting, ments to the high school program, including extensive to those we are defending. This bond created through serrevision of the curriculum. The number of JROTC vice extends to the brothers and sisters who are wearing units increased significantly while Powell was chairthe uniform.”26 man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. With its focus on Referring to the rights of free citizens, Milley noted building better citizens, JROTC now touches the lives America’s Army is powerful because it protects “the of hundreds of thousands of young people each year. most powerful idea that has ever existed in world history.”27 As the Army’s thirty-ninth chief of staff, A New Century of Service and a product of the Army ROTC program, his words The challenges currently facing America’s Army echo the sentiments of countless others within the are far different from those it had to address when the profession of arms. And it is quite reasonable to believe ROTC program first came into existence. However, as they would resonate well with Alden Partridge and ROTC prepares to enter its second century, it is well President Woodrow Wilson too. MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 109