Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 109

ROTC academy graduates. For ROTC graduates, the competition for a place in the active component was intense. Army ROTC and World War II During the years before the Pearl Harbor attack, Army ROTC produced the majority of reserve officers. These ROTCtrained leaders made a crucial difference in the early days of World War II, when the nation struggled to achieve rapid mobi(Photo courtesy of Pittsburg State University [Kansas] ROTC) lization. In a 1943 report, Gen. Pittsburg State University cadets hone their cold weather and team building skills in spring George Marshall, then chief of 2015, at Camp Crowder, Missouri. staff of the Army and a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute ROTC program, pays tribute to these officers: however, some military and university leaders beThe procurement of suitable officer persongan to question the requirement that all able-bodied nel was fortunately solved by the fact that males at land-grant institutions participate in ROTC. during the lean, post-war years, over 100,000 Simultaneously, antiwar sentiments resulting from U.S. Reserve officers had been continuously involvement in the Vietnam War were adversely affecttrained, largely the product of the Reserve ing ROTC operations. Officers’ Training Corps. These Reserve offiAfter World War II, all males in the United States cers constituted the principal asset available were subject to compulsory military service. Those which we possessed at this time.16 enrolled in ROTC were granted deferments while in Without these officers, the successful rapid expanschool, which enhanced interest in the program. In sion of our Army would have been impossible. 1969, however, when the Selective Service conducted a lottery that determined the order in which men were Post-World War II Developments subject to involuntary military service, ROTC’s popuAt the war’s end in 1945, the United States began a larity began to wane. The new lottery method did not period of rapid demobilization. However, the emerging offer deferments for ROTC cadets.19 Soviet threat quickly sparked renewed emphasis on Army ROTC enrollment declined precipitously populating the officer corps with Army ROTC graduwhen the draft ended in 1973. But, on a positive note, ates. The hostilities on the Korea Peninsula that began during school year 1972–1973, female college students in the summer of 1950 further increased the need for became eligible to enroll in Army ROTC as part of a strong ROTC program. By the mid-1950s, the Army a pilot program. In school year 1975–1976, the first ROTC program was producing more than twelve thou- group of women earned their commissions through sand lieutenants annually.17 Army ROTC.20 The ROTC Vitalization Act of 1964 solidified ROTC’s status as the primary source of active duty The Establishment of Cadet Army officers.18 The ROTC program of instruction Command was revised, and a scholarship program was institutPerhaps the most significant development in Army ed. Cadet stipends were increased, and the potential ROTC’s proud history was the decision to establish pool of cadets was broadened. Around the same time, Cadet Command. Formed at Fort Monroe, Virginia, MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 107