Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 101

FORCE AGILITY or (2) create agile systems to speed decision making for Even if the Army could know where conflicts would successful operations. The historical record of predictoccur and why, the knowledge would be insufficient ing the military future has shown that the chances for to design, plan, and lead an effective military operafailure are high, and the chances for success are slim. tion. Generalized prediction of the conditions where On the other hand, agile systems like FA-CDT could forces would be likely to fight and the causes of conflict help the Army accomplish missions that it might not in certain geographical areas are also insufficient for be able to predict. force-generation activities intended to ensure deployed Prediction. The failure of the French Maginot forces are equipped, resourced, and trained to achieve Line, built during the pre-World War II years along the military success. French and German border, offers a warning on the To fulfill its mission, “to fight and win our Nation’s shortcomings of military prediction. The French built wars,” the Army must determine how it can rapidan extensive static defense, based mainly on experience ly understand, learn, adapt, and execute military and old technology. This approach did not predict or operations to defeat future threats.8 The objective of anticipate the rapid advance of technology (such as faster technological approaches like FA-CDT is to meet the tanks and glider infantry) and new tactics (such as blitzArmy’s goal for agility, “the ability of friendly forces to krieg) that rapidly neutralized static defense.4 During react faster than the enemy.”9 the German invasion of France and the Low The Combination of Countries at the start Crowdsourcing, Big of World War II, the Data, and Mobile Nazis outflanked the Gaming Maginot Line and renFor success in future conflicts, dered years of effort the Army needs to rapidly unuseless.5 derstand, create, test, revise, and Agility. The path implement new tactics and plans of trying to learn that will have the best probabil(Image courtesy of WIkimedia Commons) quickly how to defeat ity of success. The FA-CDT techVainglory, a mobile multiplayer online battle arena game by Suthreat tactics also nology offers the combination per Evil Megacorp being played on an iPad, 5 September 2014. is challenging. For of crowdsourcing, big data, and example, the Army discovered in Iraq that defeating mobile gaming to help achieve these goals. Additionally, the threat