Military Review English Edition March-April 2016 | Page 89

LEADERSHIP current model, it is essential to have a basic underof conflict and corresponding doctrine necessitate an standing of how it manifested. ever-adapting model. The most famous precursor to the Army leadership This is one such time where Army doctrine has requirements model may be the eleven principles of evolved to confront future conflicts and the current leadership (see figure 1). Developed shortly after World leadership model must evolve as well. The current War II, this list of leadership principles appeared in the Army leadership requirements model needs modificaArmy’s leadership field manual, Military Leadership, in tion to align it with the mission command philosophy. 1951 and again in 1958.18 The list served as the Army’s Two competencies that need to be considered are clearleadership foundation for over four decades. ly communicate intent and encourage disciplined initiative In 1999, the Army transitioned from the eleven through delegating and empowering subordinates. Army leadership principles to the Army “leadership In order to align the “Leads” section of the leadframework” (see figure 2).19 This new model, comership requirements model shown in figure 3 with monly referred to as the “be, know, do” model, broke the premises espoused in mission command phidown leadership principles into subgroups consisting losophy, “Communicates intent” should replace of values, attributes, skills, and actions. While some of “Communicates.” Simple, clear communication reduces the ideas were innovative, this model contained many the chance of misunderstanding. This skill takes time common themes from the eleven principles. and practice to develop. “Intent” can take the form of The Army further revised its leadership framework, republishing it as the Army leadership requirements model. This model first appeared in the October 2006 version of the Army Leadership manual, renumbered as FM 6-22.20 In 2012, the Army again made changes to the model and republished it in Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 6-22 (see figure 3).21 Similar to the leadership framework model, the Army leadership requirements model breaks leadership Influencing Mental Interpersonal Loyalty themes into subgroups based Communicating Physical Conceptual Duty on what a leader “is” and Decision Making Emotional Technical Motivating Respect what a leader “does.” Tactical Operating Selfless Service Examining the three Plan/Prep Honor models provides some Executing interesting perspectives as it Integrity Assessing Improving is evident that all three have Personal Courage Developing strengths and weaknesses. Building The truth is, no model will Learning be truly all-encompassing, nor will it be permanent. The ever-evolving nature Figure 2. The Army Leadership Framework, 1999 THE LEADER ATT RIB U VA LU ES NS “Know” TIO AC “Be” LLS SKI TES of Character Character and and Competence Competence Acts... Acts... of “Do” To Achieve Excellence MILITARY REVIEW  March-April 2016 87