Military Review English Edition March-April 2016 | Page 104

headquarters. Several corps headquarters have a small number of USAR soldiers assigned to the staff, most notably in the Army Reserve engagement teams (ARETs). The ARETs integrate USAR units into corps training events. However, although there are opportunities for small units or individual soldiers, USAR training requirements often take precedence over AC exercise participation. The Army continues to make progress in integrating the unique capabilities of each of its components to support the needs of the global combatant commands, as outlined in the 2015 U.S. Army Capstone Concept and Army Posture Statement:12 As part of the Army’s Total Force Policy, the U.S. Army Forces Command is leading the way by partnering every Guard and Reserve division and brigade with a Regular Army peer unit. The Army is also piloting a program to assign Guard and Reserve personnel directly to each Regular Army corps and division headquarters.13 Assigning RC personnel to AC units allows the Army to effectively meet operational requirements and facilitates integrated training. Conduct Army Total Force Training The Army must change the way it thinks about the roles of the RC by conducting ATF training at combat training centers (CTCs), regional training centers (RTCs), and home stations. Integrated training opportunities abound, such as ATF warfighter exercises and CTC rotations. Currently, AC maneuver units conduct training at CTCs, while RC units train at RTCs. To better support ATF, the CTCs and RTCs should be integrated or combined. With the Army’s focus on mission command, it is imperative that AC and RC units train collectively. The Army Posture Statement speaks to this requirement when it states that the Army “will develop and field a robust, integrated tactical mission command network linking command posts, and extending out to the tactical edge and across platforms.”14 One example of current integrated training is First Army (AC) units providing RC company-level tactical training at one of three RTC sites. Another example is platoon- or detachment-sized RC sustainment units supporting AC formations with subsistence items and bulk petroleum. Further employment of RC units as exercise participants at CTC rotations will expand and enhance skill sets under tactical conditions and replicate the roles sustainment units play in AC deployments. RC forces could also be integrated in warfighter exercises and simulation programs