Military Review English Edition March-April 2016 | Page 103

RESERVE COMPONENT also to doctrine, organizations, training, and leader development.”3 The CCJO also states that the military will need to be more agile and expeditionary in order to meet combatant commanders’ requirements. For the operational reserve to be effective, it will require integration with AC forces. With 78 percent of the Army’s sustainment forces projected to reside in the RC by 2017, the demand for this support will facilitate the ATF policy.4 In “CSA Strategic Priorities,” former CSA Gen. Raymond T. Odierno calls for the use of “Total Army forces and capabilities to rapidly meet emergent global combatant command requirements while maintaining an operational and strategic landpower reserve.”5 The priorities also seek to leverage the unique sustainment capabilities of the RC to set and sustain theater and regional campaigns. With the reduction of AC end strength, the future security environment will necessitate an Army that is predominantly based in the United States but retains power projection capabilities. To foster a regionally focused and globally responsive Army, the former CSA championed the regionally aligned forces concept. When fully implemented, regionally aligned forces will provide a holistic approa