Military Review English Edition January-February 2016 | Page 10
The Future of War
(Illustration by Michael Hogg, Army Press)
How Globalization is Changing
the Security Paradigm
Capt. Johnny Sokolosky Jr., U.S. Army
2nd Place, 2015 DePuy Contest Winner
Things aren’t where we left them when we headed off into the mountains after 9/11.
—David Kilcullen
n 11 September 2001, the world experienced
a cataclysmic event that has since defined
U.S. national security policy. While the
United States shifted its focus to the increasing threat
of transnational terrorism, globalization continued to
wield its influence.
At the most basic level, globalization is the integration of trade, ideas, services, information, technologies,
and communications. A gradual movement toward
globalization has existed since the birth of civilizations,
but in the past few decades the phenomenon exponentially progressed with advances in communication and
transportation technologies.
The range of modern globalization’s effects is quite
significant. At the local level, globalization allows
citizens to drink relatively inexpensive coffee from
January-February 2016 MILITARY REVIEW