Military Review English Edition January-February 2014 | Page 77

H A R M O N Y I N B AT T L E We suggest that the development of a logical BCT training progression includes three crucial components: ● Time set aside for senior brigade leaders to consider their long-range training path as a group. ● A dedicated block on the training calendar that gives the BCT commander an opportunity to see every company commander in action. ● Zealous application of a commonly overlooked training step–retraining to standard. This article offers one approach to a BCT’s training progression and the logic behind it. Company-level combat readiness requires a welldefined training progression where our officers and noncommissioned officers are repeatedly exposed and trained to employ modern weapon systems. Not unlike any professional athlete, the professional soldier must receive repetitive training on the fundamentals before transitioning to more complex schemes. Our teams must first learn the science of employing fires platforms and then develop the more complex art of synchronizing those fires with maneuver. Brigade combat team leaders should be comfortable with employing all available fires and integrating all available platforms under pressure. If we expect our leaders to confidently control and employ indirect and direct fires in combat then we must routinely construct stressful training scenarios that develop this critical warfighting skill at home station. For more than 12 years, we have fought a different kind of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, one that demanded extraordinary maturity and insight into the human dimension of conflict. As a military, we now find ourselves asked to prepare for a very different threat. The more conventional threats associated with high-intensity combat have now joined the more familiar asymmetric threats associated with counterinsurgency operations. What we face now is a hybrid threat environment. Our challenge is to prepare ourselves for decisive action while sustaining the skills hard earned from a dozen years of war. The fundamentals of training that were such a clear focus through the 1990s are now unknown skills for those below the sergeant major and battalion commander levels. It is no longer a given that young company commanders and first sergeants have the practical experience to train and prepare for high-intensity MILITARY REVIEW January-February 2014 conflict. As a result, the more seasoned senior leaders within BCTs have to teach them how to train and prepare. Cycles have developed in many corners of the Army where collective training events are of questionable quality—the emphasis is often on simply just getting soldiers through the training. Developing the individual skills crucial to collective training proficiency is too often a missing building block in our training progression. A holdover approach from the Army force generation era exists that includes an unrealistic six-month program to reach company-level training proficiency. Yet, we are no longer tied to the stringent time constraints placed on us between Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom deployments. The impact of this holdover effect is that time is too rarely carved out for a disciplined adherence to the eight-step training model (see figure below). Although leaders are quick to identify areas for retraining during a live fire “hot wash” (a debrief conducted immediately after an exercise with the participants), rarely are these identified weaknesses addressed with dedicated retraining time. The standard Friday retraining and recovery approach is no more than a hand wave. In speaking with our young sergeants, they lament the constant thrusting of their teams into one collective training event Eight-Step Training Model 1. Plan the Training 2. Train and Certify Leaders 3. Select the Training Site 4. Issue a Complete Order for Training 5. Rehearse 6. Execute 7. After-Action Review (AAR) 8. Retrain 75