Military Review Edição Brasileira Quarto Trimestre 2016 | Page 25

1 . “ Principles of Design ”, site J . Paul Getty Museum , acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , https :// www . getty . edu / education / teachers / building _ lessons / principles _ design . pdf .
2 . Carl Von Clausewitz , On War , ed . and trans . Michael Howard and Peter Paret ( Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press , 1976 ), p . 596 . [ Os termos e trechos da obra Da Guerra foram extraídos da tradução do inglês para o português do CMG ( RRm ) Luiz Carlos Nascimento e Silva do Valle , a partir da versão em inglês de Michael Howard e Peter Paret . — N . do T .]
3 . Charlotte Jirousek , “ Principles of Design ”, site Cornell University , acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , http :// char . txa . cornell . edu / language / principl / principl . htm .
4 . U . S . Army Lt . Gen . H . R . McMaster , no documentário American War Generals , ( Washington , DC : National Geographic Television , 14 September 2014 ); McMaster citava Conrad C . Crane , “ The Lure of the Strike ”, Parameters 43 ( 2 ) ( Summer 2013 ); e veja a discussão de McMaster sobre a opinião de Crane em “ Continuity and Change ”, Military Review 95 ( 2 ) ( March – April 2015 ).
5 . Russell F . Weigley , The American Way of War : A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy ( Bloomington , Indiana : Indiana University Press , 1973 ).
6 . Max Boot , “ The New American Way of War ”, Foreign Affairs 82 ( 4 ) ( July / August 2003 ), acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , http :// www . foreignaffairs . com / articles / 58996 / max-boot / the-new-american-way-of-war .
7 . David Lai , “ Learning from the Stones : A Go Approach to Mastering China ’ s Strategic Concept , Shi ” ( monograph , Strategic Studies Institute , 2004 ), p . 5 , acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , http :// www . strategicstudiesinstitute . army . mil / pubs / display . cfm ? pubID = 378 .
8 . Qiao Liang e Wang Xiangsui , Unrestricted Warfare : China ’ s Master Plan to Destroy America , resumo em inglês ( Panama City , Panama : Pan American Publishing , 2002 ), capítulo 7 .
9 . Lesley Stahl , How China ’ s Spies Can Watch You at Your Desk , 60 Minutes ( CBS Interactive Inc ., 17 January 2016 ); T . P ., “ Hello , Unit 61398 ”, The Economist ( 19 February 2013 ), acesso em 21 fev . 2016 , http :// www . economist . com / blogs / analects / 2013 / 02 / chinese-cyber-attacks ; Kim Zetter , “ Sony Got Hacked Hard : What We Know and Don ’ t Know So Far ”, Wired ( 3 December 2014 ), acesso em 21 fev . 2016 , http :// www . wired . com / 2014 / 12 / sony-hack-what-we-know ; Edward Delman , “ The World ’ s Deadliest Terrorist Organization : It ’ s Not ISIS ”, The Atlantic ( 18 November 2015 ), acesso em 21 fev . 2016 , http :// www . theatlantic . com / international / archive / 2015 / 11 / isis-boko-haram-terrorism / 416673 /; Adam Chandler , Krishnadev Calamur e Matt Ford , “ The Paris Attacks : The Latest ”, The Atlantic ( 22 November 2015 ), acesso em 21 fev . 2016 , http :// www . theatlantic . com / international / archive / 2015 / 11 / paris-attacks / 415953 /; Michael Birnbaum e Karoun Demirjian , “ A Year After Crimean Annexation , Threat of Conflict Remains ”, The Washington Post ( 18 March 2015 ), acesso em 21 fev . 2016 , http :// www . washingtonpost . com / world / europe / a-year-after-crimean-annexation-threat-of-conflict-remains / 2015 / 03 / 18 / 12e252e6-cd6e-11e4-8730-4f473416e759 _ story . htm .; e Kathy Gilsinan , “ Guide to the Syrian Civil War : A Brief Primer ”, The Atlantic ( 29 October 2015 ), acesso em 21 fev . 2016 , http :// www . theatlantic . com / international / archive / 2015 / 10 / syrian-civil-war-guide-isis / 410746 /.
10 . Ten Cel Gil Cardona , Robert Warburg e integrantes do U . S . Army Special Operations Command G-9 ( assistant chief of staff , civil affairs operations ), Redefining the Win , United States Army Special
MILITARY REVIEW Quarto Trimestre 2016
Operations Command white paper ( Fort Bragg , NC : 4 January 2015 ), p . 1 , acesso restrito . Observação : parte do texto do gráfico original foi alterada ou omitida .
11 . Mao Zedong [ Mao Tsé-tung ], palestra , 1938 , Britannica Academic website , acesso em 15 abr . 2016 , http :// academic . eb . com / EBchecked / topic / 363395 / Mao-Zedong / 363395suppinfo / Supplemental-Information ? anchor = toc363395quotes .
12 . Douglas Pike , PAVN : People ’ s Army of Vietnam ( Novato , California : Presidio Press , 1986 ), p . 213 – 53 .
13 . Matt Fussell , “ Positive and Negative Space ”, site The Virtual Instructor . com , acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , http :// thevirtualinstructor . com / positive-and-negative-space . html .
14 . Seong-heui Kim , “ View of Nature Found in East Asian Art : On the Basis of Art Educational Implications ” ( paper , UNESCO second world conference on arts education , Seoul , Korea , 2010 ), p . 5 , acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , http :// www . unesco . org / culture / en / artseducation / pdf / fpseongheuikim207 . pdf . 15 . Ibid ., p . 5 . 16 . Ibid ., p . 1 . 17 . Ibid ., p . 5 . 18 . Ibid ., p . 5 . Segundo Seong-heui Kim , o fluxo de Chi que circula continuamente pode ser compreendido , superficialmente , como a relação entre dois polos opostos , yin e yang .
19 . Report to Congress Pursuant to the FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act , Annual Report on the Military Power of the People ’ s Republic of China , Secretary of Defense , July 2002 , 6 , acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , http :// archive . defense . gov / news / Jul2002 / d20020712china . pdf . Relatórios anuais subsequentes se concentram no poder nacional abrangente , em vez da configuração estratégica de poder . 20 . Ibid . 21 . François Julien , A Treatise on Efficacy : Between Western and Chinese Thinking , trans . Janet Lloyd . ( Honolulu , HI : University of Hawaii Press , 2004 ), p . 17 .
22 . Vivian Lesnik Weisman , The Hacker Wars : The Battlefield is the Internet , documentary film ( New York : Vitagraph Films , 2014 ), http :// thehackerwars . com /; D . J . Pangburn , “ The ‘ Hacker Wars ’ Documentary Does Hacktivism No Favors ”, Vice News ( 22 October 2014 ), acesso em 21 fev . 2016 , http :// www . vice . com / read / the-hacker-wars-documentary-does-hacktivism-no-favors-1023 .
23 . Richard E . Nisbett e Takahiko Masuda , “ Culture and Point of View ”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 ( 19 ) ( September 2003 ), acesso em 19 jan . 2016 , http :// www . pnas . org / cgi / doi / 10.1073 / pnas . 1934527100 . 24 . Ibid . 25 . Julien , A Treatise on Efficacy , p . 17 . 26 . Ibid ., p . 21 . 27 . Ibid ., p . 26 . 28 . Alan D . Beyerchen , “ Clausewitz , Nonlinearity , and the Unpredictability of War ”, International Security 17 ( 3 ) ( Winter 1992 – 1993 ): p . 63 . 29 . Ibid ., p . 61 – 62 . 30 . Ibid ., p . 81 e 85 . 31 . Ibid . 32 . Julien , A Treatise on Efficacy , p . 14 . 33 . Beyerchen , “ Clausewitz , Nonlinearity ”, p . 80 . 34 . “ Modern Art Synopsis ”, site The Art Story , acesso em 19 jan .
2016 , http :// www . theartstory . org / definition-modern-art . htm .