Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXIX | Page 14

13 / MILE 62

If you haven’t already done so, activate and claim your business listings. This includes Google My Business, Zillow, Facebook, Yelp, and any other directory that can be found by online users. Think of this as an extension of your LinkedIn profile.

Level 1: Start Local

Everyone who uses MoxiEngage should be using Neighborhood News, but in order to set up a subscription to Neighborhood News, you need both an email address and a zip code. What if you don’t have a zip code for some of the people in your sphere? You could give up and decide that you don’t need to use Neighborhood News to market to everybody, but that would result in losing a valuable touchpoint to several people in your sphere. Not cool! Instead, you can subscribe all your contacts who do not have a zip code to the same one. The cool kids are all choosing a zip code that they conduct a lot of business in. The beautiful part about this is that your client can open the Neighborhood News and change the zip code to one that they prefer with just a few keystrokes.

Neighborhood News

Wouldn’t it be great to have knowledge and insight into what types of homes your clients are searching for and which homes they are favoriting? This can allow you to really understand their wishes and connect with them at a higher level. Favs and Saves is a feature built into MoxiEngage that integrates with your agent website. If anybody saves a search or favorites a property on your agent website, that individual is created as a contact in your MoxiEngage account, and a special section on their profile card titled Favs and Saves is established. This section will record every property they have favorited and every search they have saved, all in one convenient location.

Favs & Saves