Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue X | Page 6

6 / MILE 62

Without a plan, the path to your goals is undefined, making it easy to get off track and lose sight of the finish line. Make sure you have a plan that gets you from point A to point B. Set a few milestones you hope to achieve along the way and outline a few things you know you have to do to get there. Having this plan mapped out (even if it's high-level) will make your life much easier as you navigate toward those goals throughout the year.

1. Moxi Present - Something is Missing

1. Make those goals SMART

First step is to review your goals. Revisit those goals you set at the beginning of the year and make sure they're defined enough to follow through on. Make sure they're SMART:

Specific - Outline specifically what you're hoping to accomplish.

Measurable - Attach metrics to your goals. How will you know if the goal has been met?

Achievable - Make sure the goal is realistic. Being ambitious is a good thing, that's how we take our businesses to the next level. But make sure your goals are do-able.

Relevant - How does the goal relate to the direction you want your life and your business to take?

Time-bound - Set a deadline for the goal. When are you hoping to achieve this by?

2. Make a plan

3. Track your progress

Know where you are in relation to the finish line at all times. Tracking your progress is a vital step in the journey towards (and past!) your