Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue 51: September 2021 - The Empowered Issue | Page 2

62 miles above sea level , the Earth ’ s atmosphere meets outer space .
We believe in setting ambitious goals and reaching high , driving forward with purpose and initiative . Join us in embracing the cloud and the future of real estate and technology .

The sky is the limit .

62 miles above sea level , the Earth ’ s atmosphere meets outer space .
We believe in setting ambitious goals and reaching high , driving forward with purpose and initiative . Join us in embracing the cloud and the future of real estate and technology .
Produced by MoxiWorks 1000 Second Avenue Suite 1300 | Seattle , WA 98104 moxiworks . com | @ moxiworks Send comments , questions , or corrections to the editor : mercedes . santiago @ moxiworks . com