Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue 49: July 2021 - The Social Issue | Page 15

Don ’ t be shy to share
the space . Or maybe create a reel with engaging music added to it ! It ’ s good to take your social media business account seriously , however , know that it ’ s called social media for a reason . It ’ s to engage with others and grow a connection by sharing real content .
Don ’ t be shy to share
Compare your friend ’ s personal social media accounts with those of an influencer or someone who has a large following on social media . Chances are your friends might post 1-2 times a week , while your influencers are posting every day ( and throughout the day on their stories !). Why is that ? Because your friends have a job to go to ... but also , influencers know that the more they post and share their lives , the more invested their followers will be .
Remember , unlike your friends , you ’ re trying to grow your business . So don ’ t be shy to share all the content , not just your “ new listings .” Here are some ideas :
• What your day looks like as an agent ( take them step by step and film your day !)
• Show them your home , why you chose it , and your personal experience with buying / selling
• Show them tips / tricks on how to understand the real estate industry ( it ’ s an industry mostly everyone is interested in , but very few fully understand !)
• Share where you went out to dinner , your favorite local coffee shop , and secret hole-in-the-wall bar you
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