Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue 49: July 2021 - The Social Issue | Page 8

It ’ s simple when you think about it : People like to do business with people they know , like , and trust . The evidence for this is everywhere .
Have you needed a babysitter , a landscaper , or a dog-walker ?
Chances are you probably started your search with people you ’ re connected with and asked for recommendations and referrals . Perhaps you ’ ve been thinking about trying a new restaurant in town – but when your coworker says the food was terrible , you decide you won ’ t go . We all do it to avoid risk . The same can be said when buyers and sellers choose an agent to work with . Buyers and sellers lean on pre-existing relationships to find their agent .
Now , compared to each other , dropping some Benjamins and waiting around for cold leads to pop up in your inbox is easier than proactively expanding your sphere and getting to know people . The latter takes time and energy , the former only needs money . However , as we ’ ve seen our local , national , and global economy roil from pandemic effects this past year , it ’ s a good time to consider ways to grow your business that don ’ t directly rely on cash expenses . Instead , think about the networks of people you ’ re already connected to , and how you can leverage them to grow your business . It ’ s truly more profitable than you may have previously thought .
Sphere-Focused , a Proven Method
7 | MILE62
Sphere-focused real estate isn ’ t a new theory . The great real estate philosophers like Ninja ’ s Larry Kendall , Brian Buffini , Matthew Ferrara , and more all remind agents that success comes from relationships . Still , we get distracted by “ disruptors ” and “ innovators ” and think the industry will be