Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue 40: October 2020 | Page 42

MoxiWorks Hot Tips Are you getting the most out of your Moxi tools ?

MoxiEngage Hot Tip : Logging Activity
Did you know you can log activity directly from the My People screen ? Here ’ s how !
MoxiWorks Hot Tip : Working with Listing Analytics
Respond quickly to leads from your MoxiEngage account by using the auto-response feature !

Need Help ?

We love our users just as much as you love us ! Don ’ t let technical hiccups ruin your day and derail your plans .
MoxiWorks Customer Service is always happy to get you back on track - no matter how big or small the issue ! We ’ re able to answer your questions in many convenient ways !
1 . Look for the Red HELP button in the bottom right when in your MoxiWorks account and chat with us !
2 . Submit a Ticket through our online contact form 3 . Peruse the FAQ section on the MoxiWorks Success Portal
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