Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue 40: October 2020 | Page 39

October 31st : Halloween Day
We all know kids have been waiting for this day for weeks , but don ' t forget that adults can celebrate , too ! Do you know why we celebrate ?
Halloween falls on October 31 because the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain , considered the earliest known root of Halloween , occurred on this day . It marked a pivotal time of year when seasons changed , but , more importantly , observers also believed the boundary between this world and the next became especially thin at this time , enabling them to connect with the dead . This belief is shared by some other cultures ; a similar idea is mentioned around the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur , which also typically occurs in October and involves saying prayers for the dead . This is also where Halloween gains its " haunted " connotations . Spooky !
November 7th : Book Lovers Day
Gift the gift of a good read ! The hardest part about reading is picking which book to open up . Share your all-time favorites , your current read , and a classic with your clients ! Not only will they feel recognized , but now you ' ve got a great conversation starter next time you reach out .
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