Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue 40: October 2020 | Page 29

Step 7 : Monitor leads and respond quickly
Once your content and ads are deployed , check your alerts and Messenger regularly . Respond to comments on your post , customer inquiries , and questions .
The best practice is to transition your conversations to text , email , or phone . This will allow you to engage the customer directly and log their information into your MoxiEngage CRM for long term follow-up .
Congratulations ! You ’ ve created your first hyperlocal content campaign .
Over the years , we ’ ve tested many post frequencies and have found one to two touchpoints each week is the “ Goldilocks ” zone for businesses . Too few , your audience will forget about you . Too many , audiences tend to “ tune ” out , especially if your content is not relevant .
Here is a cadence you may want to follow :
• Week 1 - Hyperlocal Content
• Week 2 - Retargeting Ad
• Week 3 - Hyperlocal Content
• Week 4 - Retargeting Ad
A solid hyperlocal content strategy takes time for the flywheel to get momentum , so be diligent and persistent .
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