All Wyndmere Certified Organic Oils are certified by
MOSA (Midwest Organic Services Association) a
USDA/NOP accredited certifying agency.
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What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from the
aromatic parts of herbs, flowers, trees and grasses and
have been in use for thousands of years. They are true
products of nature that have the ability to positively
influence your emotional and physical well being.
Quality begins with the plant itself. Plants that are thriving in their native habitat, harvested under the proper conditions and extracted by talented and capable distillers will produce the highest quality essential oil.
Approximately ninety-six percent of all oils are grown for
the food, fragrance and the cosmetic industries with only
four percent grown exclusively for the aromatherapy
trade. We import oils from that top four percent; oils
intended for use in hospitals, hospices and by
aromatherapists where therapeutic quality counts most
All MIKING products are Certified. Organic Oils are certified by MOSA (Midwest Organic Services Association) a
USDA/NOP accredited certifying agency.