"This experinence made me aware of the fact that „migration” is an ongoing process which offers self-development opportunities along with better security and life conditions for the immigrants coming from least-developed countries or conflict areas."
Braniste Anamaria
"This experience made learn that my country and my school must be more appreciated. I learnt that there are similar traditions as well as different ones among countries. I discovered new cultures and I made new friends with whom I will keep in touch. I realized how lucky I am and I am very proud of my country, now more than ever."
Dan Andra Elena
"I could evaluate my linguistic skills and how much I knew about „migration”. I also, learnt about other cultures, people, new customs and from the social point of view I made new friends from other countries with whom I shared impressions about our countries. Now, I appreciate my country, my city , my school, my teachers and my collegues more than I used to."
Monica Ioana Stoicescu
"This experience made me aware of how valuable what I have is and the opportunities and possibilities my country: Romania offers! It also offered me new perspectives of perceiving the world, of making new friends and new families. I learnt about myself that I can handle in difficult situations, that I am morecomfortable to share my interests and hobbies with students from different countries. More than that, I developed my linguistic skills and the best lesson I got was to appreciate every moment spent with my friends and my family, as not many are lucky to be surrounded by the dearest ones due to the “migration” process.”
Andrei Mititelu Calin
"From this experience I learned that migration has an important role in one’s live because it represents the hope for a better future.
As for me I discovered myself as a person. I was able to comunicate with students from the other countries and now I am more confident and open when it comes to projects."
Vinatoru Stefan
“This experience helped me understand that the “migration” process is not a problem, but an opportunity for communities to develop and each of us should contribute"
Stefan Codrut
„I am more confident in expressing myself in English and also in meeting new people. I have met students willing to share their ideas. I also came to relize that to know your country youn need to visit another one. Now, I am prouder of my country and this is very important to me.”
Ilie Mihaela
"This experience made me learn things about myself
that I would have never ever figured up by my own. It made me learn that I have to be more tolerant and flexible
And I also discovered that travelling around the world enriches your knowledge and broadens your horizons.
I've also learnt that my country is one to be aprieciated for it's looks and obtions that it gives you for the future.
Now I respect my country even more than before."
Ion Bogdan