MIGRANT NEWS OCT 2020 | Page 8

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BY ROWENA SINGH migrantnews . nz reporter
Cyber bullying has increased significantly in Australia , NZ , the Pacific and internationally during the COVID 19 pandemic .
This increase has resulted in teen suicides , according to Glen Campbell , foun-der of BillyGuard - an organization that fights cyber bullies and trolls .
Campbell who hails from New Zealand says that the reason for the increase over the pandemic is because so many people have been forced online for work and education .
“ Cyber Bullying is bullying that uses technology – such as phones , computers , tablets etc .
It includes sending , posting , or sharing negative , harmful , false , or mean things about someone else .
It can include sharing personal or private information about someone that causes embarrassment or humiliation ,” he adds .
Campbell says that some of the more common places where it happens are :
• Social Media such as Facebook , Insta-gram , Snapchat and Tik Tok .
• Text messaging and



The reason for the increase over the pandemic is because so many people have been forced online for work and education .
messaging apps on mobiles or tablets .
• Instant messaging , direct messaging and online chatting over the internet .
• Online forums , chat rooms and message boards , such as Reddit .
• Through e-mail .
• Online gaming . “ In NZ Women aged 18- 19 are the most cyberbullied victims ,” says Campbell .
“ 1 out of 3 children in NZ are affected by it .
“ Older New Zealan-ders are also affected by it – 27 % of 20-24 year olds , 22 % of 25-29 year olds , 13 % of 30-59 year olds .
Approximately 1 in 10 kiwi adults are attacked online .”
“ 68 % of educators believe that bullying begins very early ( between pre-school and year 4 ).
“ School bullying in NZ is
Bullies need to know that there will be a zero tolerance policy for cyber bullying .
This is important , because one of the consequences of cyber bullying is suicide .
one of the worst in the world ( this is an older stat – from 2013 – but all indicators are that this is still true ).
“ NZ Suicide rates are at their worst recorded levels and have been trending upwards .”
Campbell says that there are a number of ways that we can keep children safe from cyber bullying . Because a lot of cyber bullies are also physical bullies , it is important to keep a distance from them .
Bullying is often antagonistic by nature – do not be tempted to say something back or to retaliate on the same forum . Tell the bullies that what they are doing is not ok and that it hurts you .
The victim needs to know that there are people they can go to and report it . They need to tell someone else who they trust to help them .
The victims can also use
a service like BillyGuard ( billyguard . com ), who will act with haste to cut off the bully ’ s ability to use technology to bully others .
Campbell says that , unfortunately , cyber bullying will never be eradicated , however , what we can do to minimise it is to have consequences in place for bad behaviours .
Bullies need to know that there will be a zero tolerance policy for cyber bullying . This is important , because one of the consequences of cyber bullying is suicide .
People can access BillyGuard by simply going to billyguard . com .
Campbell says that the overarching driver for BillyGuard is to save lives and to minimise the impact of cyber bullying .
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