Migraine Report Migraine-Report | Page 52

Project Progress Report b) Conclusion Patients are treated with ayurvedic treatment protocol comprising indigenously prepared 4 herbo-mineral formulation along with regulated diet and life-style. Ayurvedic treatment was well tolerated by the patients without any adverse events. Further statistics will have to be applied to both the samples to find out NNT, P value with confidence intervals. c) Budget: Particulars Grant Received Expenses: Human Resource Consumable & Contingency TA/DA for Patients Investigation Charges Administrative Charges (10%) Total Other receipts / Expenditure Grants interest earned, if (excluding received from any, on the IPCA commitments) IPCA till date grants of the Project 1,256,296 1,256,296 Balance 1,279,200 15,400 312,620 277,300 188,452 2,072,972 - Remarks (22,904) (38,304) (350,924) (628,224) (816,676) (816,676) d) Research work which remains to be done under the project More number of patients will be enrolled and will be randomized accordingly. Dr. Manjari Tripathi Professor Dept. of Neurology, AIIMS Randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate prophylactic 52 properties of Ayu rv ed ic Treatment Protocol in refractory and chronic migraine patients