Midreshet Tehillah Alumnae Newsletter | Summer 2014 1 | Página 6

Midreshet Tehillah Alumnae Newsletter For many months, Kedma gripped the Midreshet Tehillah student body. It was what we ate, slept, and breathed. What we sang in the shower. What we hummed in class. What we dreamed about. You knew a Midreshet Tehillah girl was around just by listening for the “dadadadada...dududududu...” For us, the Kedma ‘Songs of Hope Inter-seminary Choir Competition’ was not just about singing and dancing. It was about the amazing work of Kedma, the organization that works with seminary and yeshiva students to assist communities in need in Israel. It was about the feeling of ...Kagans, continued 2005) and Esther Rubin (MT 2007), and it is their hard work that has finally gotten us off the ground. Our goal is to create meaningful and relevant programs for connection and support. We have in mind newsletters, virtual shiurim, and more extensive reunions. But perhaps most important of all we would like to Summer 2014 - Page 6 achdut, togetherness, as so many seminaries came together for an important cause. “Come buy your t-shirts! 40 sheks a shirt!” became our rallying cry as we raised the tzedakah donation required to enter the competition. While we woke up bleary-eyed and hoarse following late nights of rehearsing, we bonded as a group and had an energizing spirit of achdut. After many challenges– constant song revisions, a choir striving for harmony, costume alterations, dancers finding their feet–the night finally arrived. Midreshet Tehillah broke out in song: “Shir LaMa’aloot...” Mesmerizing dancers. Streaming ribbons. Powerful orchestration. Everything came together in a magical performance, the fruit of so much effort! Like the elements of creation singing shira to Hashem, we sang together in beautiful harmony and when the final note was sounded, there was a moment of shocked silence. And then– A standing ovation. “Who are they? Who shines with such powerful spirit?” The answer: Midreshet Tehillah. Mazel tov to MT as the 2014 winners of the Kedma Songs of Hope Inter-Seminary Choir Competition, raising money to benefit women in need. assist your connections with one another. This can be important for friendship, support, and shidduchim. It can also help to ease the transition of new graduates back to life in chutz laaretz— Shabbos placement, guidance, and mentoring. We welcome your ideas as well! We are still at the beginning stages of this project and hope that each alumna will find a meaningful way to be involved. We are excited about the start of this new chapter in the life of Midreshet Tehillah and look forward to where it will bring us and how it will bring us together. Sara'la Weissman Fondly, The Kagans [email protected] [email protected]