the last day “We have all worked good, but we have to make a cut you’ve all done really good to make it this far thank you” coach Haughton says. He tells us to look at the paper after school to see if we made the team. So I do I get out my car my legs shaking my hands sweating, the day was horrible and also was the paper. I think long and hard and say in my head at least I made it this far, I think of a quote in my head my brother told me before. “You got to want it, like you want to breathe!’
I start to practice on my hitting noticing my stance wasn’t quite right. The coach throws a couple of balls to me I miss some, but I recover by digging my feet in the sandy dirt I hit one with all my power. It reaches the sky as soon as it leaves my bat but someone catches it. After batting I start to catch looking at all the people practicing, seeing the people playing the sport they love. We throw a couple pop ups, but the sun rays hit my eyes making me miss most of them. I get a little mad but shake it off and try to ignore it.
After another practice I feel sore, tired, and relieved it’s done but still worried a lot. I check to see if I made the cut. Shaking I approach the paper and see the number 20 on it, with a smile on my face I survive the 3 rd. cut. After a couple days past I see my number on every paper. Until