Middle School Torch | Page 3

Welcome to the first ever middle school edition of the Torch U.S.! Now, for you middle schoolers out there, you might be wondering why you get your own edition of the Torch, since you’re very capable of reading the seasonal issues of the Torch U.S. (and hopefully some of you already do!). But I figured that you would appreciate content made by middle schoolers, for middle schoolers, as well as some more explanations as to what the JCL is all about, which are both topics that the seasonal issues of the Torch don’t cover as much as I’d like. And that’s exactly what you’ll find here! Read on to find out how to form and manage your own clubs and what’s and how’s of spirit, one-of-a-kind advice from two expert NJCL officers. You’ll also find some articles written on myth and history by peers like you.

I really hope you enjoy reading this issue! Let us know your feedback and if you would like to see more middle school issues in the future.

E corde,

Irene Calderon

2020-2021 NJCL Editor



Salvete, amici!


