Middle School Newsletter August 2024 MS Newsletter Aug. 24 | Page 2

August Reminders
Our continued and renewed dedication to the reinforcement of specific expectations to provide clarity around dress code , no cell phones in the gym before school , and MyCPA always being up-to-date with assignments / notes / tests from every class New Chapel time and worship experiences More Civitas Time this year for students to build relationships with one another More varied athletic and non-athletic competitions during Advisory More autonomy and responsibility for students to create and develop student experiences
Again , these changes are going to accomplish two things . First , protect the positive MS experience that has been so good for CPA students and families over the years . Second , make changes to ensure the MS experience is more personalized for you and your child , more academically aligned to the mission of CPA , and more fun ! My prayer for us as a MS this year is that we all , as students , families , and staff , develop a truer and richer understanding of the Lord ’ s vision for what community is at Civitas Hall . Know I have been praying for our MS community and your child this summer . Enjoy the last few days with them prior to the start of school and let us all pray for growth and blessings to be poured out from Heaven on our children and our school .
�ank you ,
Dr . Nate Miley Head of MS
August Reminders
-Monday , August 5 : CPA Day -Sixth Grade Student and Parent Orientation : ( New-to-CPA and returning ) 2:30- 3:30 p . m ., Civitas Hall ( Enter at the ramp , upper-level entrance from the Quad ) -Sixth Grade Optional Locker Set-up : 1:30-2:30 p . m ., Civitas Hall -New-to-CPA Seventh and Eighth Grade Student and Parent Orientation : 1:30-2:15 p . m ., Civitas Hall ( Enter at the ramp , upper-level entrance from the Quad ) -All Seventh and Eighth Grade Optional Locker Set-up : 2:15- 4 p . m ., Civitas Hall -New Uniform Sale : 12- 4 p . m ., Veritas Gym , hosted by Max & Alice School Uniforms -Roar Store Sale : 9 a . m . - 4 p . m ., Civitas Hall ( lower level ) -Parent Connect volunteer sign-up : 12- 4 p . m ., Quad -Groundbreaking Ceremony , 4:15 p . m ., Football Practice Field , come help us celebrate breaking ground on the new athletics and wellness facility !
-�ursday , August 15 : MS Parent Night Join us on �ursday , August 15 , at 6:30 p . m ., in the SDC as we welcome the new school year at MS Parent Night . Parents will hear from the MS Administration , Academy Leadership , and visit Civitas Hall for an overview of grade-level academics .
-MS Parent Coffees Come join us for coffee and parent information with grade-level presentations on academics and student life at CPA MS . All coffees are at 8 a . m . in the SDC .