Middle East Media and Book Reviews Online Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 76

2/2/2016 Middle East Media and Book Reviews Online in February 2012. The author discusses how Somalia, a failed state, has been home to jihadi fighters since the early 1990s and how the global implications of this group were evident in the West when 700 fighters traveled to help Hezbollah in 2006 during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Somali pirates have a relationship with al-Shabaab and provide them with 20% of all funds raised through ransoms. Al-Qa’ida has expanded geographically by forming associations with like-minded groups in Nigeria, Iraq, Indonesia, and in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, and this growth is linked to al-Zawhiri’s plan to expand the organization globally. In the following sections, Atwan examines how Afghanistan and Pakistan have provided al-Qa’ida with protection and support from the Taliban and from the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s intelligence organization. The Taliban are the key regional allied movement and ha fP