Mid Hudson Times Oct. 26 2016 | Page 4

Newburgh IDA has vacancies
Kiwanis to host Thanksgiving interservice luncheon

Newburgh man arrested with loaded gun , drugs

A 22-year-old Newburgh man was arrested early Tuesday morning and charged with illegal possession of a gun and felony drug possession .
Shakeil Chambers was one of two men who were found trespassing in a building at 222 Broadway at 12:50 a . m .
When city police arrived at the scene , they spotted the two men in the building . They
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fled upstairs , but were detained immediately .
Chambers was found in possession of a loaded 9mm handgun and 32.2 grams of crack cocaine . He was arrested and charged with felony weapon and drug possession .
The other man , whose name was not released , was interviewed and released without charges
a photovoltaic panel system and a high-efficiency HVAC system .
Some residents remain steadfastly opposed to the project . “ They are the only ones responsible for the delays on this project ,” said Drew Kartiganer , who along with Stuart Sachs filed an Article 78 lawsuit against the city and Mill Street stating , among other complaints , the plan failed to provide adequate parking .
Another sticking point is the project ’ s 30-year payment in lieu of taxes ( PILOT ), which has been criticized as unfair and costing city taxpayers too much over the long
Mid Hudson Times , Wednesday , October 26 , 2016

Free PFOS blood testing

Washington Lake in March . The city quickly switched to new water sources ; Brown ’ s Pond and currently the Catskill Aqueduct . Testing revealed the nearby Stewart Air National Guard Base at Stewart International Airport as the chief source the contamination .
The New York State Department of Conservation is currently heading the cleanup of the lake . The state DEC and the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency continue to investigate the cause of the contamination .
A public information meeting on PFOS and blood testing will be held at the Newburgh Armory Unity Center on Tuesday night .
For more information or to schedule a blood test , call the state DOH Center for Environmental Health at 518- 402-7950 or email beoe @ health . ny . gov .

Planning board approves Mid Broadway project

term .
At the Oct . 10 meeting , Michelle Bosch claimed taxpayers would be responsible for almost half of the cost of educating the many children expected to live in the apartment complex . “ It ’ s going to be creating another tax hole ,” said building owner Michael Lebron .
Provided it receives state funding , Mill Street will move forward to conduct extensive environmental remediation at the site , including the removal of rubble , fuel tanks and dry-cleaning chemicals in the soil . A building at 14 Johnston Street is also on track to be demolished to make way for construction .

In Brief

Newburgh IDA has vacancies

The City of Newburgh industrial Development Agency anticipates at least two vacancies on its seven-member Board of Directors in the coming months .
In making the announcement , Agency Chairman , Joshua L . Smith noted that “ Only city residents may serve on the Agency ’ s board .” Interested citizens are asked to visit “ Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities ” on the Agency ’ s website at www . cityofnewburgh-ny . gov / industrial-developmentagency , under the Policies & Bylaws section . Members of the Agency are not compensated , must attend monthly meetings , and review Agency business prior to a meeting . New members are required to participate in a state-sponsored educational webinar , as well as become familiar with the Agency ’ s by-laws and all applicable state laws and mandated policies .
Any resident interested in serving and sharing their talents , thoughts , and ideas , is asked to send a resume and letter of interest to Joshua L . Smith , Chair of the IDA Board , at ida @ cityofnewburghny . gov or mail to City of Newburgh Industrial Development Agency , 83 Broadway , 3rd FL ., Newburgh , NY 12550 .
Selected candidates will meet with the Agency ’ s Governance Committee to discuss various aspects of the Agency and their interest in serving on the Board . Following the briefing , the Agency will present its recommendations to the City Council for their review and appointment .
Applicants may also direct any questions to the Agency ’ s Executive Director at ida @ cityofnewburghny . gov .

Kiwanis to host Thanksgiving interservice luncheon

A tradition in the Newburgh area which began in 1974 is the Inter Service Club luncheon .
All of the service clubs in the Newburgh area participate in this festive occasion . It is the only function all year in which all service clubs participate . It is the only opportunity to meet face to face and exchange notes on what is planned and what was accomplished .
The luncheon has always been held at noon the day before Thanksgiving .
This year , the luncheon will be held at La Casa Vicina , at 1015 Little Britain Road , and will be sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Newburgh .
“ We are trying to reach out to all service clubs to be sure no one is left out ,” stated luncheon chairman Andrew Zarutskie , “ but we are having trouble compiling up to date addresses and contact information .”
“ If anyone out there is a member of a service club , or knows of a service club which wishes to participate , please drop us a line at PO Box 3161 , Newburgh , or e mail me at town-clerk @ townofnewburgh . org “