Mid Hudson Times Dec. 20 2017 | Page 2

Mid Hudson Times , Wednesday , December 20 , 2017
Calendar .................. 12 City of Newburgh ............. 18 Classifieds ................ 26 Crossword ................ 28 Letters to the Editor .......... 8 Meadow Hill ............... 20 Town of Newburgh ........... 23 Newburgh Heritage ........... 10 New Windsor ................ 21 Obituaries ................ 22 Opinion ................... 8 Police Blotter ............... 16 Service Directory ........... 30 Sports ................... 36

Christmas Tree lights up Broadway

The 35-foot spruce tree stood tall at the end of Broadway last week , commemorating the start of the 2017 Christmas season .
“ It ’ s a symbol of unity , it ’ s a symbol of mercy ,” said pastor Jesse Howard of Cross International Ministries . “ It ’ s a symbol of grace , it ’ s a symbol of peace , it ’ s a symbol of camaraderie for each and every person in the City of Newburgh .”
A hundred or so people stood around the tree holding candles in the falling snow during the tree lighting last Friday . “ Ten , nine , eight , seven , six , five , four , three , two , one ,” they counted , and the tree lit up like , well , a Christmas tree . A
Newburgh City Council Work Session , 6 p . m . City Hall , 83 Broadway . Town of Newburgh Planning Board , 7 p . m . Town Hall , 1496 Route 300 , Town of Newburgh .
Newburgh City Council meeting . 7 p . m . City Hall , 83 Broadway .
The office of the Mid Hudson Times will be closed on Monday , Dec . 25 in observance of Christmas . Deadline for the Dec . 27 edition will be as follows : Calendar items and letters to the editor , Thursday , Dec . 21 at 5 p . m .; display , classified and legal advertising , Friday , Dec . 22 at 3 p . m .
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Santa makes an appearance at the Christmas-Tree lighting on Broadway last Friday .
chorus of cheers ensued .
Cookies and hot chocolate were shared by the Salvation Army Newburgh Corps that evening . The blue spruce , donated from a private property in the Town of Newburgh , was dedicated to the memory of Deborah Kaplan Sergi .
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The Mid Hudson Times ( USPS 000-5947 ) is a weekly newspaper published every Wednesday at Newburgh , NY 12550 , with offices at 300 Stony Brook Court , Newburgh , NY Single copy : $ 1 at newsstand . By mail in Orange , Ulster or Sullivan Counties : $ 40 annually , $ 44 out of county . Periodicals permit at Newburgh , NY POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Mid Hudson Times , 300 Stony Brook Court , Newburgh , NY 12550 .
A 35-foot Christmas Tree was illuminated on Broadway last week .
The blue spruce was dedicated to the memory of Deborah Kaplan Sergi .