Mid-County Newsletter MCnewsletter.spring16 | Page 4


Top reasons to try Mid County Crop Management

Kory Johnson Sales Agronomist ( 952 ) 466-3730
koryj @ midcountycoop . com
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Easily keep an eye on your crops with Mid-County Crop Management . Our program gives you the tools you need to make informed decisions about your fields . Give us a call today at ( 952 ) 466-3730 if you ’ re interested in signing up or learning more about what our crop management system can do for you .
Here are a few reasons to give Mid County Crop Management a try :
1 . Weekly scouting for pests , disease , and crop health and development .
2 . Scouting updates via text and email notifications , providing fast and accurate communication .
3 . Seed populations and stand count evaluation .
4 . Field health advisor via GIS satellite imagery .
5 . View historical , real time and forecasted weather at the field level

Helicopters , Helicopters , Helicopters !!

Over the past few years we have missed opportunities for our growers to increase their profits due to the volatile nature of the helicopter business . Continued promises of being ready by early next week but never showing up is frustrating for both Mid-County and our customers ! Well , as the old saying goes , if you keep doing the same thing you will get the same results , so Mid-County is proud to announce that we have just finalized a contract with a local helicopter company . Mid-County has exclusive rights to our helicopter throughout the spraying season . We no longer have to hope someone shows up – we have a helicopter on standby ! Spraying a fungicide on your silage corn can pay high dividends in the bulk

Prepare for the 2016 growing season

Scott Nelson Agronomy Manager ( 952 ) 466-3733
scottn @ midcountycoop . com
At Mid-County Agronomy , we ’ re looking forward to helping you prepare for a successful 2016 growing season .
I wanted to talk a little about treated soybeans . Not all seed treatments are equal ! As with any input you use , you want to know what you ’ re getting for your money . Mid County uses a product called WardenCX , which is
the best available seed treatment on the market today . WardenCX has double the active ingredients of any other treatment , and has the best Phytophthora protection on the market .
– hourly and daily . 6 . Field mapping and data management . 7 . Nitrogen advisor based on weather events and soil mineralization . 8 . Plant leaf and tissue samples available .
9 . Optimal harvest dates based on planting date , moisture and growing degree units ( GDUs ).
Combining all of these attributes , Mid-County Coop is here to help maximize your return on investment .
tank and extra bushels on some corn hybrids . With the amount of disease we have continued to see in soybeans , a fungicide is highly recommended . Call Mid-County at 952-466-3730 for all your spraying needs !
For inoculation , we use Vault HP plus Integral . This robust rhizobial inoculant features a minimum guaranteed count of 10 billion colony-forming units of rhizobia per milliliter guaranteed through the expiration date , not just at the time the product was packaged . Vault HP plus Integral also includes a plant growth regulator to help stimulate root nodulation and greater plant vigor . The Integral piece is a biofungicide which extends suppression of yield-robbing Rhizoctonia and Fusarium fungal diseases . Make sure you ’ re using the most cost effective solution !
To schedule a seed pickup , contact Mid-County Agronomy at ( 952 ) 466-3730 . We ’ ll be ready when you get here , and we ’ re looking forward to serving you .
www . midcountycoop . com