Spring 2012 • Vol. 21
Mid-County is
proud to
serve you.
Auto, Truck, & Tire Center
710 W. Lake St., Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3710
Fuel, Office, Propane
700 W. Lake St., Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3720
700 W. Lake St., Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3730
Holiday Convenience Store
Hwy. 212 & Hwy. 284, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-5657
Fuels and energy
starting with the basics
When it comes
to energy, we
don’t just sell fu-
els, we start with
the basics. If you
need a tank and
Bill Reimers
equipment, we
General Manager
can guide you in
(952) 466-3721
[email protected]
the size, place-
ment, and regu-
latory compliance. When it comes time
for ordering fuel, we can assist in winter
blending, biocides for algae, additives,
taxation, etc. If your engine doesn’t seem
to be running properly, we can test your
fuels and lubricants for impurities, water,
algae growth, and a whole host of other
Fortunately, the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA) is having a hard time
fi nishing what they started. The farm
storage tank rules (SPCC rules) that were
supposed to go into effect in November
Bulk Fuel
• Fuels and energy starting with the basics - PAGE 1
• Keeping fuel tanks clean - PAGE 2
• Oil spill prevention - It’s time to prepare a plan - PAGE 2
• Staying safe with propane - PAGE 3
• Cologne’s convenient Holiday Station Store,
We’re on your way! - Page 3
Propane &
Home Heat
2010 have been delayed until May 2013.
Specifi cs of the rules are inside this news-
letter, but please call us and we can help
you be in compliance.
Our fertilizer blending facility is basical-
ly completed. As with all projects, what
you started with and what you ended up
with are two different things. We started
with improving the blending portion, and
by the time we were done, we replaced
the receiving part of the facility to speed
up unloading semis into the building, es-
sentially doubling the capacity of that part
of the process, as well.
Our auditors just fi nished up our mid-
year audit for the fi rst six months of our
fi scal year. In spite of the warm winter
that reduced sales of heating products, we
still have shown a very nice improvement
in our profi t.
As always, I appreciate your comments
and suggestions to make your co-op bet-
• Meet our new agronomy manager - PAGE 4
• Fertilizer start to fi nish - PAGE 4 - 5
• Meet our new agronomy applicator - PAGE 6
• A better way to apply - PAGE 6
• New laws prompt more vehicles to get DOT inspections - PAGE 7
(952) 466-3700 • 888-466-3700 • 700 West Lake Street, P.O. Box 177, Cologne