Page 2 - 3 Energy
Page 4 - 5 Agronomy
Page 6 - 7 Shop
Fall 2015 • Vol. 28
Fall 2015
Another big thank
you to our customers
for making another
successful year for
Mid-County. Our fis-
Bill Reimers
cal year ends August
General Manager
31, and we are anx-
(952) 466-3721
ious to give you a
[email protected]
complete financial
report at our annual meeting this Decem-
ber. With our financial strength, you can
expect to see stock retirements this fall
from previous years. We will still have our
usual “Age of the Stockholder Retirement” in
Due to the short fall fertilizer season last
year, we had a lot of catching up to do this
spring on the Agronomy side of the business.
Spring planting happens so fast now, we
have upgraded, added, and improved our
application and delivery equipment for
the upcoming year.
to fill from, and 2 of those will be set up
to deliver high volume to fill both sides of
the truck at the same time. We will also be
replacing all of the gasoline dispensers at
this time with the ability to offer 3 grades of
The energy portions of your coop faired
very well this year. Lower gas and fuel prices
have encouraged more consumption, along
with a lot of construction in our trade area.
We are in the process of adding another large
fuel truck to gain more efficiencies, and add-
ing drivers, as well.
To insure another long-term storage site
for fuels, we have now purchased the prop-
erty in Green Isle where our fuel tanks are
located. In the past, we did not own the land,
just the equipment, but now we have bought
the whole site and will be taking out an old
building and improving the site further. We
now currently have sites in Green Isle, Waverly,
Long Lake and Cologne.
Auto, Truck & Tire Center
Staying ahead in the Auto and Truck busi-
ness takes investment. We now have entered
into the Large Truck Alignment and Truck
Tire Balancing business. With easy access
to Highway 212, you no longer have to travel
great distances to get your truck running
smooth and straight down the road. These
new systems are the latest and greatest when
it comes to new technology. The beauty of
these systems is that they can be used on cars
and light trucks also.
Thank you for your support and keeping
Mid-County a strong company for 80 years.
As always, I appreciate your comments
and suggestions to make your coop better.
We have been discussing improving the gas
and fueling at the Holiday Store in Cologne
for a few years. We will be taking out the
current diesel island and replacing it with
a new high-volume diesel island on the
north side of the store. We will have 3 bays
700 Lake Street West, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3720
700 Lake Street West, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3730
710 Lake Street West, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3710
Hwy. 212 & Hwy. 284, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-5657
(952) 466-3700 • 888-466-3700 • 700 Lake Street West, P.O. Box 177, Cologne