Meet your board member - Shawn Eastman
Shawn Eastman is the general manager
of Marsh Lake Hunting Club in Chaska, and
about ten years ago, he joined the Mid-
County board of directors. He is currently
the Secretary/Treasurer. Shawn recalls how Mid-County Board Member Brian Krause,
who is a member of the hunting club, mentioned how one of
the board members was stepping down, and there would be
an opening. Did it sound like something Shawn may want to
be a part of? It certainly was.
Marsh Lake Hunting Club is a private
shooting preserve, open seven months
out of the year. What began as a college
internship became a career. Shawn started
Shawn Eastman, working at the club part-time in 1981, went
Secretary/Treasurer full time as an assistant manager and dog
trainer in 1986, fi nally becoming general
manager in 2000. “Since I’ve joined the board, it’s been a pleasure. It’s a good
group to be a part of,” Shawn said. “Mid-County is run very
well, and I give credit to both Bill and a really good staff . Since
I’ve been there, they’ve done some pretty neat things. We’ve
bought the Waverly store and done other upgrades throughout
the years.”
“We’ve been doing business with Mid-County as long as I
can remember,” Shawn said. “They supply all our fuel; propane,
gas, and diesel. We buy most of our seed from them, and most
of our chemicals and fertilizer.”
Shawn knows how wet spring conditions can make fi eld
work extra tough, and Mid-County employees often put in a
lot of long hours.
“Due to wetness, you’re not always able to get the seeds in
and spray,” Shawn explained. “As a board director, and I know
the others feel the same, we appreciate all they do. Especially
when they’re working the hours they work.”
From the MN Propane Association
In Minnesota, over 233,000 homes, farms and businesses
depend upon propane every day. Propane is the third most
widely used household fuel in the United States, second to
electricity and natural gas. Propane is used on more than
800,000 farms across the country.
Current program ends March 31st, 2020 and the new program
will begin April 1st, 2020. There are restrictions that apply and
funding is limited. If you have questions on the rebate or you
need more information on the restrictions, please give us a call
at 952-466-3720.
2020 Propane Days
Propane Days is the premier advocacy event for the U.S.
propane industry. Hundreds of industry members travel to
Washington, DC for two days of issue briefi ngs, guest speakers,
and meetings with legislators. This is one of the most eff ective
ways for the industry to advance its public policy agenda in our
nation’s capital. The 2020 Propane Days will take place June 15
– 17, 2020 at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, DC.
Propane Appliance Rebates
For homeowners, appliance rebates from the Minnesota
Propane Association are available.
The rebates will apply if:
• Water Heater in new construction or change of energy
• Water Heater for propane to propane
• Furnace or boiler in new construction
• Garage heater in new installation
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